869 24 4

Archery - katniss 1

Dance - clove 1

Gymnastics- Annie2

Wrestling- Cato 2

Swimming- katniss 3

Diving - finnick 3

Knife throwing - clove Cato 4,4

Weight lifting - gale Peeta 5,5

Track- Johanna 6

Peeta pov

I'm cheering for Johanna but it is clear that we have lost again cause katniss if in front and she is right by the finish line but what the hell katniss has stopped and Johanna has own but why would katniss do that.

Gale pov

Yes we have beat them fuckers again cause katniss is winning my girlfriend is winning haahahahah.what the fuck she stopped " run bitch" I scream at her but it is to late Johanna has won I'm going to kill that bitch!!!

Johanna pov

I have lost the race I know I have katniss is just to fast but I'm giving up so I run and run then I run past katniss and win. I look behind and see she stopped on perphas all the victors come and hug me and the Capitol team come and scream at katniss and hit her but she just looks at me and smiles.

Katniss pov

I smile at Johanna at first she seems shocked but smiles back. My team are screaming at me and gale is so mad but he won't hit me in public but I got hurtful slaps off delly and glimmer . I walk off ignoaring them and sit down on the side and watch the victors get there medals and they all give me a smile.

I though I might but other peoples pov in it to make it interesting!!

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