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Katniss POV

"I don't want to go home... We have 4 days left and as soon as we get home we have to start thinking about jobs and be adults"I say and sighs as me and peeta were moving out this hotel with the others to one nearer the airport and away from the assholes who had been leaving us alone but still were everywhere.

We had originally planned to changed hotel to a cheaper one so we could save money for the rest of summer.

"Yeah at least I'm not burning anymore"Peeta says as we put our bags in the 5 seater taxi as it was a hour drive and we were all traveling together.

"Ha, you were a cutie tomato"I tease and get in the back with peeta and sigh as finnick and Annie get in and johanna.

"I'm gonna miss this hotel"johanna says and blows a kiss to the hotel and I roll my eyes as she was probably drunk or just high on the weed brownies marvel sold her.

"I know but the other one maybe be smaller but it's closer to the beach"finnick says and kept an arm around Annie as she had organised the whole trip so knew all the details.

"You excited Annie? We can go shopping and get Souvenirs, what do you think?"I suggest and put my seatbelt on.

"Annie isn't feeling well, maybe not today or tomorrow"finnick says quickly making me frown and I look at Annie who was pale and wide awake curled to finnick.

"What's wrong?"I ask confused as Annie was fine yesterday and she looked panicked now and scared and very pale even for her as she didn't fan at all.

"she has a sore stomach"finnick answers quickly and I frown as something was going on.

"Maybe she is pregnant"Johanna teases and I laugh and nudge johanna from the back as the car starts.

Finnick POV.

"Come on"I say and open the new hotel room door and took Annie in and away from the others and locked the door. I had woken up this morning and she was screaming and shaking and haven't talked since. She took her meds yesterday and I watched her so i didn't understand and Me and johanna and clove are the only ones that know about her.

"Baby, you feeling better?"I say sitting on the new bed and pull her on my lap holding her close as she normally felt better in my arms and stroked her hair as I was worried and I had to check her pills.

"I hear the voices fin... My mom is one of them"Annie says shakey and it breaks my heart as I had only saw Annie like this once and that was when she slept over at mine on a Friday and didn't want to take the pill cause she was embarrassed and that's why I watch her every Friday take it.

"There not real... My voice is real, were in our new hotel and we're gonna have a great 4 days I promise you"I whisper in to her ear and rock her as she was crying and holding her head.

"Make them stop! I'm not crazy"Annie shouts and moves off my lap and falls on the floor curling up and pulling on her hair.

"I'm going to check your pills"I say and stood up quickly searching her suitcase as I had packed them and took them out and open the lid and that's when it hit me... The pills were minty.

"Someone swapped... Someone...someone... Fucking clove!"I shout and throw the mints on the floor and groan loud pissed off and breathe heavily as they were breaking Annie and now breaking him and they planned this.

He looked to see Annie was staring at him in shock from the floor and went to her and stroked her cheek.
"I didn't mean to scare you... We need to get to America and get an early flight home to get your pills"he whispers as he would rather her be healthy and miss the holiday.

"No! Don't take me anywhere I'm fine!"Annie says and backs away from me and I grab her hands kissing them and holding her close so she can't escape.

"We have to and your going to be my brave girl"I whisper and hold her as she shakes.


Katniss POV

I sit on the bed with johanna as we watch tv as it was CloudY outside which was shocking for Hawaii.

I look at her as her phone pings and watch her open it.

"Who is that?"I ask and turn the tv off so I can hear what she says.

"Finnick.... Him and Annie have to go home early to get Annie medical help"johanna says and I frown as it was shocking as it must be serious if hey are going back to America and they must of already left.

"What? Did he say what's wrong with her?"I ask urgently wanting answers as I was worried for Annie as she was my best friend and the glue to the group.

"He doesn't say"johanna lies and I frown as I could tell she lied and stayed on the bed glaring.

"Tell me the truth"I demand as it could be serious if johanna was worried and lying straight to my face.

"Well..."johanna starts

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