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Who hates me? October was when I last updated and honestly this book hates me and I really want to to end it but for now just enjoy!

Katniss POV

"Peeta get up!..... Peeta get the fuck out of bed!.... Peeeeetaaaa"I moan straddling his waist as he snores still in a sleep that makes me sigh and blows a raspberry on his neck but he just groans and turns around hugging a pillow.

"You promised we could go to the market and eat food and ice cream and more food"I say and plop down next to him on the bed wearing underwear.

"Later"I hear Peeta mumbles from his pillow which means he must be waking up which makes a evil grin come on my face before I hear snoring again.

"I tried seducing you and i tried shouting at you, seriously you fucking twat"I say and hit his ass and get off the bed and gets washed and dressed and sees him in bed and growls low annoyed and gets a bucket of water from the sink that they used to make sand castles.

I hold the heavy bucket and look at my half naked boyfriend on the bed still snoring oblivious to what I'm about to do, and with that I throw the bucket of cold water on him.

Peeta finally jumps out of bed literally and falls over his own feet and his ass ends up smashing against the floor making me burst out laughing at him holding the wall for support.

"You bitch"Peeta says drenched in cold water just in his pink boxers and stands up walking towards me obviously fully awake now.

"Peeta no, go shower and get dressed cause you didn't get up I get to drag you around today"I say backing away towards the door.

"Fuck no! I did that yesterday"Peeta moans making me giggle and knew how to persuade him and walks towards him not caring if her was wet and slowly got my finger tracing the front bit of his boxers where his dick was.

"If you do I promise tonight you can have me in everyday you want, and I promise not to wake you up tomorrow"I tease and nibble on his neck kissing it feeling his dick start to rise and smirks as it only took a second or 2.

"Go get dressed, I will be in the lobby"I says leaving him alone now and smirks walking out the door blowing a kiss and taking the elevator down and going in the lobby and get on the couches eating a mint from the bowl and waits for Peeta taking selfies.

As I take selfies I see johanna photo bomb me and I turn around and glare.

"Darling Peeta doesn't want to see your selfies unless you have no clothes on"Johanna says getting on the couch next to me and steals my phone deleting all the bad ones and I take my phone as I had took a few nudes.

"I haven't seen clove today, she was up and out by the time I woke up but her stuff is still there"Johanna says to me.

"Maybe she died, wouldn't be the worst thing"I admit and put my phone in my pocket still waiting for Peeta.

"I'm not sure she has died but maybe she fell down a mountain and in to a mental hospital would work"Johanna says with a evil smirk on her face.

"Yeah like that's going to happen"I say and go on my phone when I hear a gasp but stay looking at my photos.

"Or maybe she went to pick up Gale, Cato, Glimmer and Delly up from the airport and they are walking in right now "Johanna suggests making me look up and turn around and my smirk instantly disappeared.

"Good guess but it looks pretty real to me"I mumble wondering what the fuck Clove was playing at inviting them on a group holiday, that means seeing a guy who raped you and so called back stabbing friends every day.

"I'm ready, I'm ready "Peeta says walking out the elevator and walks to the couches not noticing the group of people at front desk.

"Babe look at the desk and tell me what you see"I say to get him to notice and holds his hand as he was sat next to me.

"I see... Holy shit is Clove playing at!"Peeta says with a shocked face that probably replicates mine and Johanna's.

"Come on let's go before we get spotted and clawed at "I says standing up and dragging Peeta up but than instantly gets dragged back down to the couch again by Johanna.

"Your not leaving me here, I share  with the bitch and Annie and Finnick are busy drinking Hawaiian smoothies and shit and having sex on the beach"Johanna says.

"Sex on the beach? The drink or actual sex on the beach?"Peeta asks making me smile at his confused adorable face and pecks his cheek.

"Probably both, and I wouldn't be surprised if you two ended up having sex on the beach or on these couches"Johanna says frowning.

"I wouldn't be surprised either, but I need to go to the market and try Hawaiian food and drink and find colourful stuff to take home"I say standing up again and dragging Peeta to the entrance and then I make the mistake of turning around to see Gale eyeing me up and sighed walking out walking by Peeta's side.

"what should we do about Gale and his nasty fucking crew?"Peeta asks me as we walk along the side of the road as palm trees and the beach in the distance were in our view.

"Ignore and have sex and have a great holiday and ignore again"I say and kiss his cheek giggling.

"Hoping you mean have sex with me"Peeta teases me and moves his hand to my Ass making me smirk.

"Who else, plus it's your prize for coming out today"I say and wink seeing the market in the distance and grabbing his hand as he doesn't fight or groan knowing I got him whipped.

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