Chapter 7

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    Not long after the incident I discovered that it was Greg, my Centurion, who I had punched. And so I was assigned poop duty as my punishment. The lares weren't allowed to help me so it took me nearly two hours to do the entire barn.
    I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand. I could feel the slick mud and other stuff smear across my forehead. But I didn't mind being dirty and at least it was cold. Breathing a sigh of relief, I scooped the last piece of manure into the wheelbarrow.
    "I'm done," I whispered. Even if it was only for today. I had to do it everyday for another week. Except for Friday. But of course they aren't stupid enough to make me do it on that day. They want to win just as much as I do, even if they like to pretend that they don't care.
    Throwing the shovel in the corner, I began to push the stinking wheelbarrow. I had mixed feelings about being done. Of course, there was the obvious disgust that comes with any dealing of manure. But, though I would admit it to no one, I actually sincerely enjoyed the hard job. It helped me keep my mind off my dad and how I would never be able to meet him.
    Maybe I'll ask Reyna if I can always have this job. I thought, tears and sweat falling onto my cheeks. If I'm going to be stuck here forever, I may as well try to pass the time. I sniffed and wiped my nose with my dirty hand. This is no good. Crying doesn't help anything. Maybe it's better that you don't meet Sherlock. You haven't even met him yet and he's already turned you into weakling.
    I thought about him, the detective I had seen on the news hundreds of times. I still had a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that he was my dad; an investigator I had admired for years.
    But yet, it made sense. My hair matched his, as did most of my sharp facial features. I wondered why I had never seen it before.
    I dumped the manure into the large trash bin outside of the barn and then headed to my cabin to shower. I had to hurry, for it was almost time for evening muster. I showered and got my armor on, helping the other girls with theirs, too. And then our Cohort marched out together, a boy named Hansel holding our flag in the back. Greg avoided my gaze, as he had been doing for the past four days. I could still see a bruise on his nose and I chuckled.
    After muster, all the Cohorts went to dinner, as usual, but I stayed behind. I wasn't very hungry. I went back to the cabin and changed out of all my heavy armor into white skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I grabbed my iPhone and left. I didn't know where I was going. But I didn't want to stay there and have to face Hazel or any of the others. I needed some time alone to think.
    I walked down the streets, surfing my iPhone. I had found my dad's website only a few hours after talking to Nemesis. And it hadn't been long after that that I "found" his cellphone number.
    Though I hadn't gathered enough courage to call it yet.
    Maybe now's the time.
    I looked around, and then headed to the place I knew I would feel the most secure.
    Not that I'm nervous or anything.
    A few minutes later I made it to the Fields of Mars. I breathed in the smell of grass and blood and then headed toward the trees near the east of the field. I stared at the number, imagining multiple scenarios of how the conversation would go.
    What am I supposed to say? Hello, I'm the daughter you didn't know you had!
    Sitting down at the base of the nearest tree, I took another deep breath.
    Just do it. Just do it!
    I put in the number and held it up to my ear. My heart pounded. It rang once. Twice.
    "Sherlock Holmes," a deep voice answered. My voice got caught in my throat. I pressed the cancel button and threw my phone on the ground beside me. My breathing became deep and I pulled my knees up to my chest.
    "I can't do it," I whispered, closing my eyes. "I wish... I wish I could just talk to him in person."
    My eyes welled up with tears and I tried to blink them back, but then I realized there was no one to blink them back for. So I let them fall. Sobs racked my breathing and I covered my head with my hands.
    "The Capture the Flag game is in two days," I wailed, my hands clenching into fists, "If I don't win, people I will never know will be hurt. And how can I win with... with this tormenting me?"
    I rubbed my eyes, but the water kept pouring from them.
    "I wish I could meet you, dad," I whispered, staring at my phone beside me. "Is that so much to ask? Is it? If it weren't for that Reyna...!"
    I clenched my teeth and cried harder, to my shame.
    Finally, after what seemed like ages, I was able to pull myself together. I sniffed and rubbed my nose.
    "All right, Cecilia, think!" I whispered. "There must be a way. Even if I have to escape Camp Jupiter and never return."
    That sounds so nice right now.
    I mentally plotted several different escape plans and a dozen ways to get to England. But then an odd sound interrupted the silence. It was a loud whooshing noise. I looked around for what made it, and then I saw, not too far away from me, was a dark blue police box.


     Author's note: Hello again, lovelies! Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you'll stay tuned, because these upcoming chapters are about to become a lot more exciting. (As you can probably tell by this cliffhanger! Eheheheh!)

     Thank you again for reading it! And would you like to know how you can make my day further? Comment! Tell me what you think! Do you like Cecilia? What do you think is going to happen next? Comment away~~~!

Cecilia Holmes, Daughter of Minerva (Sherlock/Percy Jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now