7. I'm feeling so blessed....

Start from the beginning

Bulbul text me wht are the emergency medicines to be given n wht I should do immediately as a first aid before reaching home... I will do tht as it will take time to come there....

Dasi ask the cook, Robin to prepare some soups and food for fuggy .. Dadi dont forget to prepare the herbal medicines if you know anything about this....

Is that clear everyone... Do it right now...."

Abhi cuts the call without hearing their replies... Everyone knows Abhi's anger and they acted fast as per the orders given to them...

Pragya's jaw dropped on seeing Abhi's anger and she started to shiver on hearing his harsh tone... Pragya gasped when Abhi's intense gaze is on her and she fears what is Abhi going to do to her..

Pragya fears and closes her eyes... She squeals in horror when Abhi swooped her just like that in his arms.... She is about to protest to drop her down but she could not..

When pragya opens her mouth to speak, she could not utter a word clearly... Her eyes starts to well up and her breath is not in coming out in a proper way... All she could do now is to control the situation but she is helpless and starts to suffocate as she cant breathe properly...

Abhi runs as fast as he could... Pragya now realizes why Abhi has shouted like that.. Pragya mentally scolds her for doing like this which she is not supposed to do...

Pragya wished to use her inhaler to make her to relax and control the suffocation... That time only she realized that she has not brought that too and left it with bulbul...

Pragya came back to reality when the car is being stopped near a pharmacy and Abhi running inside like a mad man... She could not understand what is happening... She closes her eyes when she has severe pain and she fears that she will die without breathing...

It too hard for her to breathe and she prays to god to keep her safe as she wants to live a happy life atleast for a day... Pragya opens her eyes when a strong pat is on her back...

Abhi: Here.. Use this first...

Pragya nods her head and used the inhaler... Abhi is pating on pragya's back hardly to make her breathe properly ... Abhi gave emergency tablet to pragya... She too gulped it in a go...

Pragya's suffocation gets controlled and she wished to have something hot to calm down her chilled nerves so that it wont repeat again... Pragya could not believe her eyes when Abhi gave her a cup of coffee for her to drink...

Pragya wonders how on the earth, this man who knows nothing about her, met only her hours before, whom she agrees to marry in a week as per her loved ones wish, cares for her so much and understands her problems very well...

She also feels happy that he is the one whom she can find solace and she is damn sure that she will be safe in his arms... She is very confident that he will keep her happy....

Abhi parks the car in the corridor of his home and hurried inside by taking pragya in his arms... Pragya is shocked to see worry in everyone's eyes and a team of doctor waiting there to check her....

At that time only pragya notices Abhi properly. . She can see some sort of worry, guiltiness, fear, helplessness and more than that care and love for her in abhi's eyes...

The doctor took Pragya inside the room and examined her and gave injection to her.... They kept nebulizer for her to control the symptoms.... The doctor comes out after sometimes...

Doctor: Mr. Mehra.... She is fine now .. Dont worry.. Make sure she does not attempt such stunts during night times.. Change of season will worse her condition...

Anything To Make Her SMILE - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz....Where stories live. Discover now