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"Where are you taking me?"

"A funfair,"

"How am I going to ride the rides there? I can't see, and it's going to make things hard for you,"

"Hey, you don't have to worry about that. This is Park Jimin, I can do anything for you,"

"What's that sound?"

"It's a merry-go-round. Do you want to ride it?"

"Can I?"

"Why can't you? Come on!"

"How many tickets, sir?"

"Two adults, please,"

"Here are your tickets, thank you,"

"Jungkook! Here's your ticket. Hold my hand, come on,"

"Tell me if there's anything in front of me, hyung. I'm not familiar with this place,"

"Don't worry about it,"

"Hyung! That was so fun! Hahaha! I've never rode that before, it was real fun,"

"It was fun, wasn't it?! You see, I told you everything would be fine with me!"

"Where is the place where people—couple always go to? And they win like, matching teddy bears,"

"Oh, it's over there! Hold my hand,"

"Are we there yet?"

"A few more steps. . . .we're here. Hello sir, my friend would like to play darts. Jungkook, I'm going to buy popcorns for us, okay? I'll be back,"

"Okay, hyung. . . .friend,"

"Here are your darts, sir,"

"Thank you,"

"Woah! Woah! Another one—woah! That was amazing! Perfect score! Congratulations, you won the biggest teddy bear,"

"Thank you!"

"Here's your teddy bear, let me help you hold it. . .there you go,"

"Thanks a lot,"

"Look at his teddy bear. Yahh, that's so big,"

"My girlfriend has always wanted me to buy one for her though. I don't have money,"

"Go win one for her, then,"

"Wa—wait, is he blind?"

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