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"The sky today seems kind of cloudy. It's when the soft white clouds are covering up the beautiful shade of light blue sky and usually if it's dark and gloomy like right now, it's going to rain soon, but no one can predict when. The sun was out earlier, it was sunny, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I could feel the heat biting on my skin,"

"Have you ever witnessed a sunrise?"


"Or maybe sunset?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I guess you haven't,"

"Of co—course I haven't? I'm blind,"

"I feel so sorry for you,"

". . . .Okay,"

"Have you ever hated your life?"

"No, I don't think I have. I'm fine with the way God has created me,"

"If I were you, I'd prefer death,"

"Why did you say that?"

"Live or die, I still won't be able to see anything. So, both are pretty much the same,"

"Are you telling me to die?"

"I didn't say that. I'm only saying how your life of not being able to see anything is similar to death, not being able to see anything,"

"So, you're saying I'm worthless? You're trying to say that my life is meaningless, aren't you? How do you know blind people can't see a thing?"

"I didn't mean it that wa—,"

"Are you mocking me, hyung?"

"No! I'm not!"

"That was disrespectful and rude. You should start to think before you act,"

"I wasn't intende—,"

"I'm going home. Bye,"

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