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Hi! So since I have a bit of time, here are some quotes that I've written in the past 9 letters! :)

I hope they'll help you in life!:)

All quotes are by me so please enjoy them but please give credit if you use it!:)

Maybe I'll continue this I dunno!:)

"Books and words are all I have left." - Letter 1

"There is no road harder to walk than the ones we walk on now." - Letter 2

"Alone in this world... It's easy to get lost. But being surrounded by people makes the path to oblivion much easier." - Letter 3

"Sometimes, the ones to let go of us is not our enemy, but us ourselves, to set us free." - Letter 4

"Sometimes, there is nothing better than to gaze outwards and just... exist. Because that way, perhaps the thoughts of becoming something will just fly away." - Letter 5

"You can never run away from your shadows, from your monsters. They are your true enemy, and the sad thing is, you are your own hero. No one can save yourself, except you." - Letter 6

"Revenge and hatred have made us all fools for life." - Letter 7

"Sometimes you feel as if this world's not worth living in... but then again... you can't help but notice the many little lights that burst in your life that keep you up at night." - Letter 8

"Oh the things I do for you. The things you do for me. The things that became things that all just fell apart." - Letter 9


Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed these letters, ahaha they were originally just meant to be just me ranting but then I didn't really like writing rants in the sense that they sort of are slightly negative and I wanted something slightly more positive since it's public so these letters are like, rants/positive things that I don't even know what I did but whatever it is I hope you enjoyed it because this was ahaha originally supposed to be meant for my eyes only but eh!~ I hope that people who read it feel better? I dunno~~~

If anyone's reading I really do hope you sort of, if in any way felt a little better that you can do well and have hope that things will get better!:)

If you want to read more stuff by me, feel free to read my poems or a conflict resolution book. :)

And, last but not least...

~You are amazing.

~You are awesome - because you are reading this, kidding, you are still awesome.

~You are phenomenal.

You are amazing in more than a million different ways.

~ Winter :D 

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