Chapter XV: Sex and Busted

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Thomas's hands slowly started to take off John's coat, and while his mouth left a trail of kisses on John's neck, biting from time to time. John didn't oppose, he wanted it, but at the same time, he wished it was Alex who he was going to have intercourse with.

John turned around and faced Thomas. He got taller, and even more muscular. His suit fitted him well, but he was black and white; he hadn't found his soulmate yet.

"I missed your skin, John, you know that right?" whispered Thomas on top of John's lips, John's breath hitched and he didn't answer, he just nodded. "I dreamt of you."

"I doubt you spent three years without fucking anyone, who did you fuck?" John raised an eyebrow. Thomas rolled his eyes, and leaned to kiss John. John wrapped his arms around Thomas. Thomas lead him to the bed and laid him down, he started grinding down on him.

John moaned, and Thomas smirked. "I missed your beautiful sounds." John blushed, embarrassed, but kept making them, only to please Thomas.

But they had to stop, the door swung open really fast, only to show Alexander standing there with his eyes wide. "John!"

"Alexander!" John quickly scurried away from Thomas, eyes full of panic and surprise. "Wh- I'm— What are you doing!? I told you to wait back in the ballroom!"

"Only so you could fuck him!?" Alexander growled, Thomas stood up and groaned annoyed.

"Who the fuck are you!?" said Thomas as he groaned annoyed.

"I'm John's... boyfriend." He glared. "You better back off, understood!?"

"Listen, John's boyfriend, I gave John the option of coming here or not, he came to me, he wants this. Don't you, John?" Thomas turned to John, and gave him sad, puppy eyes. John stammered. What kind of mess had he got into?

"Are you sure you didn't force him?" Alexander approached him menacingly, even though he was smaller than him. "He was uncomfortable all night! I can see why, you guilt tripped him into this, didn't you!?"

"Both of you, shut those obnoxious mouths off!" said John as he stood up. He finally got out of his shook and got in between them, glaring at both of them. "It's just some measly sex, why are you both getting worked up about!?"

"I came here to help you, John! But you decide to run off and have sex!? I left New York for a whole week to help you, I've also respected you when you told me to stop in ever advanced I made! He—"

"I never guilt tripped John into anything." snarled Thomas, glaring at Alexander with a growing hate.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Alexander crossed his arms.

"John came to me. I never dragged him. I gave him the option of leaving, of not even coming, but guess what, he did. Didn't you, John?" Thomas smirked and his hand snaked around John's waist, to what Alexander growled.

"Don't touch him." snapped Alexander, but that just drove Thomas to pull John closer to him.

"He doesn't mind, do you John?"

"Actually, Thomas, I do mind." said John and pushed Thomas away. "And I would appreciate if you both shut your mouths off and leave it all behind. Thomas, leave my house."


"Leave my house!" said John, glaring. Thomas was caught by surprise. John always did what Thomas wanted, didn't matter what, but right now he just pushed him away and questioned him. That wasn't the John he knew from high school.

He grabbed his stuff, and walked out of the room, glaring at a smirking Alexander.

"I knew you–"

"How dare you, Alexander?" John turned to him, intense glare. Alex raised his eyebrows confused, why was John angry?

"How dare I what?" he crossed his arms.

"Enter here like it's your house! What were you trying to achieve?" John said as he fixed his shirt, not looking at Alexander anymore. He was enraged.

He was his own person, he made his own decisions! He was an adult, and Alexander barged in and stopped everything like he's entitled to decide who John sleeps with. John didn't wanted anyone controlling his life, even if he loved him.

"I don't understand why you're angry, John... All I did was come here and defend you. He obviously guilt tripped you into having sex with him! Even I could see it!"

"See what, Alexander!? I chose to come up here and sleep with him! He never guilt tripped me or forced me to anything! Did I felt a little weirded out? Of course I did! He's a kinky motherfucker, but I wanted it! And you followed me and barged in like your entitled to pick how I sleep with and who I want to have intimacy with!?"

"I'm sorry, but if you wanted it so much, why did you told him to leave your house?" he asked curiously.

"Because I realized he's the same possessive motherfucker he was six years ago." John sighed. "He was a very horrible boyfriend, but I needed love and attention, so I had Francis and Thomas... which didn't turn out so good. But the way they made me feel felt good. I wanted to experience that again, only if it was for 30 minutes!" he hugged himself and looked to the side.

"I appreciate you, John... I care deeply for you... I care a lot!"

"But not in the way I wish you did!" said John and turned to face Alexander. They were both looking straight into each other's eyes.

"What do you mean, John?" asked Alexander stepping closer.

'Should I tell him?'

I love cliffhangers!
~ Sarah🌼

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