Chapter XI: Finally arrived in South Carolina

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'Oh fuuuuuuuuuu–'

Alexander didn't even gave John a chance to prepare himself, he entered the car and connected lips with John. Alexander's hands traveled to John's neck, and pulled him closer, John stayed still for a second, and when he finally relaxed, one of his hands went to cup Alexander's cheek and the other to his dark, luscious hair, where he tugged gently.

John started to take control of the kiss as it went on. Alexander's hands stayed in place, but John's kept moving, from his hair to his back, to his hip, to his chest, back to the hair. If this was the one chance he would get to touch Alexander, he would use it.

The kiss slowly turned even more passionate, and John stopped himself before he could slide his own hand inside of Alexander's pants. He pulled away, panting. "That's– That's enough practice, so I'll–"

"It's not enough." said Alexander, leaning again and capturing John's lips once again, and the smaller man move so he would be on John's lap, grinding on him slowly. John wanted to resist, he really wanted to, but Alexander was just completely irresistible to him, making it almost impossible for him to stop.

John pulled away again. "Alex, we have to go!" he panted, Alexander just rolled his eyes and leaned again, but this time John stopped him. "Alexander! I don't want to arrive at my house at like 9:00 pm!" he snapped at him and looked to the side. What kind of sick game was Alexander playing!?

"Fine, whatever." mumbled Alexander, blushing. He moved over to the driver's seat again, and went back to driving.

John stayed quiet most of the time, still holding the plushie close to him. He breathed deeply. He just kissed Alexander, and not just a chaste kiss, but almost a full on make-out session, and he was more than satisfied. But he was still wondering, Alexander seemed way to into it, but why? He didn't knew they were soulmates! Was he cheating on Eliza with me? Maybe it's the soulmate bond!
The soulmate bond was easy. Once you found your soulmate, there were things that were inevitable; One, you will feel extremely attracted to the person. Two, they will make you happy like no one else will. Three, you won't be able to take your hands off of each other. And if the last one was true, John was definitely fucked. He could control his sexual desires, but... could Alex.

They were almost leaving Maryland when Alexander spoke up again. "I'm sorry, you were clearly uncomfortable, I shouldn't have forced myself upon you, I just... it was hard to control myself."


"You're so handsome, yes, but something was driving me to touching you, so I did." said Alexander and looked at John for a brief second. "It won't happen again, I promise you that."

"Alexander, I really don't mind." said John quickly. "Knowing my siblings, they will definitely ask for us to kiss and prove to them we're actually soulmates, it was better to get it over with." John said, reassuringly. His smile was faint, but honest, and Alexander smiled back.

"You won't tell Lafayette about this, will you?" Alexander chuckled faintly, John just looked to the window, smile disappeared. 'Why did you even forget he's not yours?' He thought and sighed.

"I won't tell him." he said shrugging. After Alexander said a simple 'Thanks' they spent the rest of the ride in pure silence. Alexander listening to music on the radio, and John on his headphones, reading a book he had on iBooks.

10 hours, where John slept for almost more than half of it. John smiled when he saw the streets he grew up in. He recognized the grocery store, the bakery, the gas station, the public schools all around, and everything made him smile a little bit more. Alexander was following the GPS, but John remembered everything by memory. Once he saw the houses and surroundings started becoming more and more fancy. He recognized the house at the almost end of the whole area, there was it. The Laurens's house was a three story mansion, made of some fancy marble.

Alexander parked the car, and walked out, still silent. He could feel stares on his back, and he turned to look. In the stairs of the entrance of the mansion, and pretty family stood. There was an old man with a very, very serious face, a woman with a more serene expression, she looked about to smile at the sight of John walking out of the passenger seat, she was holding a baby in arms; and young girl, and two teenage boys. Alexander took the suitcases out of the trunk, and John helped him, somehow trying to avoid eye contact with his whole family.

"Alexander, my father is extremely homophobic so just, brace yourself, yeah?" John whispered, looking at the trunk. Alexander gulped, and just nodded. They grabbed their suitcases and walked over to the entrance. The first thing he felt were a pair of arms wrapped around him. It was his sister. 

"John! I missed you!" she said hugging him tighter. John wrapped his arms around her tightly too. His smaller brothers also went to hug him tightly, Alexander just stayed in the back, not saying anything while John's siblings hugged him.

His mother approached him, and John took the little girl in his arms, and cooed at her; Alexander smiled. He thought that John looked absolutely adorable with a baby in his arms.

"I'm so glad you came, son." said John's mother, smiling brightly. John smiled back.

"I couldn't possibly deny coming here." said John smiling at all of them; all of them except his father, Henry. "After all, this is a tradition isn't it." he chuckled faintly.

"Who's the pretty guy?" asked the young girl, looking over at Alex, Alexander blushed faintly but smiled at her and offered his hand over to her, shaking it gently.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." he greeted himself. "I'm John's soulmate." he smiled. John's mother smiled brightly, so did his siblings, but his father? Not so much.

The question still lingered, why did Henry invited John to their house to a social event after four to five years of no talking? This couldn't possibly end well. Definitely not for
John, anyways.

These last two chapters were short lmao, but they were two! You're welcome!
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