"Ash, what classes are you taking?" Jaiden asked raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side.

Why the hell does she make so many cute facial expressions?

"Well because I took a lot of my classes over the summer, I'm only in English Honors, Algebra 2, Spanish four, and football. What about you pretty girl," I answered flirtingly.

She rolled her eyes and responded, "I'm in journalism, creative writing, English Honors, Algebra 2, and Spanish five. I went to a really advance school before, so I don't have many classes I have to take for graduation. I got them done my junior year."

"Hey maybe you and I will have English and Algebra together," I said, genuinely smiling.

She started talking about how awesome the rest of the year was going to be because of the lack of classes in her schedule. I was really amazing myself by actually listening to what she had to say. I was so engrossed in her story I didn't even notice the little brunette stalk over to me with a pissed off face.

"Um Ash," Jaiden said worriedly, pointing over my shoulder.

I turned around just in time to feel the slap the little brunette gave me full on.


Jaiden's POV

Ash was leaning forward resting his elbows on the table really looking like he cared what I was saying. Out of the corner of my eye I see a short curvy girl around my age with brunette hair seething and walking toward Ash with closed fists. At first I thought nothing of it. She probably wasn't even looking at Ash, I thought. Her pretty face continued to scrunch together and turn darker shades of red as she got closer to our table.

"Um Ash," I said worried, while pointing over his shoulder.

As soon as he turned around the girl took a hard swing at him. Her hand connected with his face and made a loud noise that made the people around us look at our table and go quiet. My mouth dropped open in shock.

"You ass! You said that you were moving! You said that we could only hook up one time because you would be moving to Indiana to take care of your freaking dying grandma. How's your grandma you lying son of a,"

"That's enough! Stop! We are in a public place. Can you and Ash go outside and talk about this?" I asked annoyed at her outburst that ruined our good conversation, and that made me come back to reality where Ash really didn't give a damn about anyone besides himself.

Ash looked over at me guiltily with a red hand print on his face. I looked away disgusted at him. He told a girl he was moving away to aid his dying grandma? Who does that? She probably felt really bad and hooked up with him to make him feel better. He ensured he'd never have to call or keep in contact with her by lying to her. I felt disappointment well inside of me. I thought for a minute that he might be an okay guy once you break the rough player exterior. Unfortunately I was really wrong.

"Don't you dare say a freaking word," she screeched, "You whore! You're so freaking ugly I don't know why he would ever take you out in public. You must be really good in bed because that is the only reason he'd keep you around!"

The words hit me like bullets. I've always been more sensitive than other girls, especially about my looks. However, I didn't want her to have the satisfaction of letting her see me cry. I fought the tears that were about to spill when I felt a warm pair of arms slip around my shoulders comfortingly. I expected them to be Ash's, but when I looked up I saw a familiar face. Riley, the boy I had met outside of the elevator smiled down at me.

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