"Yeah me either."

There was a silence on the phone.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I have no idea" Sebation says. And to be honest he really did not know what he was going to do. "I just wish Hunter would believe me when I say I didn't have sex with you. You're my cousin but you feel like a sister. Therefore it's like incest."
The water stops. The shower cutrain rings scratches against the medal rod being pulled back.

"Well what ever you do I suport you."

"Thank you." Not a lot of people trusted sebation. Only a few people did, one being Hunter. Which is why cheating on Hunter with anyone (including Blaine) has never crosed his mind... more than once. "Hey, I have to go."

They said there good byes with 'I love you'. Sadley Hunter had to walk in while Sebastian said "I love you too Sarah."

Hunter's face was stone cold. Not good.

"Hunter." Sebastian was met with silence "Hunter we need to talk."

"We're over. Nice talk."

Sebastian froze. Hunter moves toward the dresser. "What?"

"We're done. Get out." He picked a pair of pj pants, a mussel shirt, and some boxer-briefs  and threw them out the door.

"Hunter-" spoke standing up. Because sitting down wasn't making the situation any better.

"Get out Sebastian. I'm serious." Hunter cuts him off. And to be honest if Sebastian was throwing someone out he wouldn't want to hear their petty excuses either. But that doesn't mean it'll stop the other from trying. Which is why Sebastian refused.

"No! Let's talk about this!"

Hunter walks into the bathroom. Grabbing Sebastian favorite body soap and toothbrush, he also added then to the garments that laid out side.



"Let me explain."

"No. Let me explain,"Hunter says. "I am 0.5 seconds from beating you face in. From leaving you black, blue and motherfucking purple. So get up and walk your tiny lying cheating ass out of here."

"Is that what you want? To hit me? Then do it. Hit me."

"Sebastian I would never-" Hunter sighed realizing his mistake. Of course he'd never hit Sebastian. He just so upset.

"Hit me!" Seb interrupted the other and jabbing at his own cheek. "Right here! Do it. Do it so you can listen to me. Get it over with. I'm fucking ready."

"I'm not-"

" I love you."

Silence. Sebastian doesn't say that unless they are having sex. And no a quickie or rough sex, but the passion one. The one where they spend all day wrapped in between sheets. The one where there was an emotional connection and not just his dick needing to be jacked off. The one where they can fall asleep in each other's arms and everything was ok for a moment.

Hunter stared at Sebastian for what seemed like hours on in. Then he shook his head as he walked toward the door. "Nuh-uh."

"Hunter?" he recived no answer. "Hunt?"

Hunter open the door and gestures for Sebastian to walk out and leave.

"Hunter..." Sebastian was breaking. He couldn't hold back the tears that were forming in his eyes.

"You can walk out with your own legs or I can pick you up and dump you out."

"Like the trash I am right?" Sebastian felt a tear break loose.

"You need to stop crying. There are camras just down the hallway waiting for you. You wouldn't look well with tears running down your face carrying your shit away from our room. It'll be all over the school page and honestly it's not a good look for you."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow."
'But tomorrow is so far from now' is what Sebastian wanted to say but knew Hunter wouldn't like it. He'd say it's "back talking" and "whining".

"Wh- why not now?" Sebastian sniffed mid sentence.

Hunter swiftly picks up Sebastian and sets him in the hallway.

"Sleep well. We'll talk tomorrow."

And closed the door.
1237 words
Sorry for it being a year guys. 😬
But I finished the story it's just hard to go back and edit parts. And try to make since of some things. Anyway have fun!

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