We're Done

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I looked down at my phone just as the doorbell rang. I grabbed my bag of makeup and ran out the door.


Connie was waiting and gave me a big smile as I burst through the front door excited to be getting out of Ryder's house to do something fun for once in a long time. Maybe I should move back to my house soon.

"Hey, Emma! You excited to go out tonight?" Connie said as she started walking back to her car.

"Yes! Oh my god I can't wait to get back to my old life!" I said while spinning around with my arms out.

I had always been a 'party girl' or maybe just an average high school teenager, honestly, I'm not sure. Nah, I totally party more than most girls.

"Yeah, it'll be fun as always." She said as we reached the car.

I sat in the backseat because Jessie was already in the front seat. It was just a high school party, but I was so excited for it. Jessie turned around and looked at me with a big smile and said, "You ready to see some hotties getting hammered?"

All three of us laughed as Connie pulled out of Ryder's circular driveway.


We got to Connie's house after a car ride full of singing along with the radio. We always get ready for parties at Connie's house so I was used to being here.

Her younger brother Tyler was sitting on the couch playing video games when we walked in. He was two years younger than us and had dark brown hair and brown eyes. I could see his spiky hair spiking up from his slumped position on the couch. Out of habit I walked up to him and ruffled his hair completely ruining his gelled up hairstyle. He immediately jumped off of the couch and grabbed my hand yelling "Hey! What the fuck?!" He smiled when he saw me and said, "Emma!" He pulled me into a hug as he was still standing on the couch "Hey Ty!" Suddenly a loud crash came from the T.V. and Tyler immediately went back into gaming mode. "Talk later Emma. Busy!"

I laughed and followed the girls down a hallway to Connie's room. We closed the door behind us and beelined straight for the bathroom that was attached to her room. I pulled out all of my hair and makeup stuff out of my bag and so did Jessie. Connie was fiddling around in drawers pulling out endless amounts of makeup. We started doing out hair first as always. I curled it as I always did while Jessie straightened her curly red hair and Connie also curled her dark brown hair. I finished with my hair first and I moved on to makeup. I went with a natural look and used a taupe glittery shade for my eyeshadow. I lined my eyes, put on some mascara, and some pinkish lipstick.


After a long hour of dancing and singing to the music we were finally ready, and damn we looked good. We all hopped in Connie's car and started driving to the party.

"Emma you better not blackout again and wake up in some random guy's bed." Jessie said while turning around and rolling her eyes.

"I won't!" I said while slumping into my seat and crossing my arms over my chest. Then I remembered Mike and I's deal. "Hey Jessie, a little birdy told me that a special someone was interested in going on a date with you!" I said in a teasing voice.

"What? Who?!" She said turning around so fast in her seat I swear I heard her neck crack.

"Mike. You should talk to him tonight he seems interested in you!" I said sticking my tongue out at her as I noticed she was blushing at the thought of Mike liking her.

"Okay, I'll talk to him tonight."




After a fifteen-minute car ride to Matt's house. Connie parked the car around the corner from his house because there were already too many cars for her to park closer to his house.

We reached his doorstep and opened the door. The familiar smell of sweat, vomit, and alcohol smashed me in the face, along with heat. Ahhh, what a nice environment am I right?

As we made our way through the house I felt a hand grab onto my arm. I figured it was just some horny guy so I turned around and prepared myself to slap him in the face. To my surprise it was Ryder.

He yelled over the loud music and said, "I thought I told you not to come?"

"Oh, so you can come, but I can't? I see how it is." I said while rolling my eyes at him.

"No. I came because I figured you would be here. I looked in your room for you and you weren't there. It made me wo-"

Interrupting Ryder, Jessica walked up and gave him a hug from behind. She stuck her head out from behind him and said, "Hey Ryder! Ew, why are you talking to her?" She rolled her eyes at me and gave me a dirty look.

I started to walk away from Ryder and Jessica not wanting to start a scene. I felt Ryder pull me back to where he was standing with Jessica. Damn it Ryder can't you just leave me alone for ten minutes and not ruin my night? To my surprise, he was actually fighting with Jessica about how they weren't a couple anymore and how he wanted nothing to do with her. Of course being the drama queen Jessica was she was she was crying, which was actually pretty enjoyable because her perfect face and makeup was getting ruined by her tears dragging mascara and eyeliner down her caked face. Serves her right.

I was so distracted by the fool of herself Jessica was making I barely realized Ryder pulling me close and whispering to me, "I told you we're done." He walked away leaving me with the Jessica.


Hey, guys! Thank you all so much for 100 reads! I really appreciate all of the support I have been getting while writing this book! Also, would you like me to start making chapters longer? I am going to be posting every day or every other day. Anyways love you guys so muuuch! Until next time


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