Cars be Gone

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"Go away." I said through sobs.

"No." He said as he twiddled his thumbs.

"You can't just go kiss her and take her side and then just come back to me and act like I'm supposed to forgive everything you did. It doesn't work like that so can you please just go away?" I put my face back on my knees and silently let hot tears fall down my cold cheeks.

He didn't move. I picked my head up and looked at the ground and said, "Please leave me alone."

He put his hand on my chin and lifted my face up to face his. His warm hands burned against my cold skin. His bright green eyes that were once full of happiness and fun, were new full of guilt and sadness. He pulled me closer his warm minty breath tangling with mine as he whispered, "I'm sorry." I couldn't do this here. Or ever. I pushed him away by the chest.

"Really? If you were really sorry you wouldn't have taken her side at school. If you were really sorry you would've waited for me and not made me take a ride home with someone else. If you were really sorry you wouldn't have banged Jessica. If you were really sorry you would've told me not to leave. If you were really sorry you wouldn't have kissed her in front of me. You obviously don't care about me so just leave." I let a tear slip down my face as I got up and walked down the familiar porch sidewalk to my door. Just as I was grabbing the handle I felt a hand grab my shoulder I was whipped around.
"Ryder, just g-"
Suddenly I was pulled into a kiss his lips burned against mine as electric shocks burst as they touched. I ran my hands through his soft messy hair as we kissed. He pulled away and put his forehead against mine and whispered, "Please, come back. I'm sorry I did the things I did I promise it will never happen again."
He pulled me into a hug and I whispered into his ear, "Okay."

He grabbed my hand and we started our 20-minute walk back to his place. About halfway there my mind started wandering. The thumps of my suitcase wheels against the sidewalk were oddly calming.

We finally got back to his house after 20 minutes of walking in the snowy weather. There was a car in the driveway I didn't notice before but seemed oddly familiar. I looked up At Ryder and he seemed very confused and offset by the strange car in his driveway. There were two men sitting in the front seats. Ryder walked up to the car and knocked on the window. The men rolled down the window, they were wearing black ski masks over their heads and gloves. The man in the front seat said, "We'll be back for her." 

His voice was so scratchy and deep it sent shivers down my spine. They quickly backed out of the driveway and drove down the road while giving us a 'goodbye' honk. Ryder walked over to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me into his house we walked up the stairs and into his room my suitcase struggling to roll behind me as we walked on the long carpet. 

He sat down on his bed very angrily. I sat next to him after I closed the door to his room behind me. 

"You're not going to that party tonight." He said while looking into my eyes. "Not after that."

"But Connie is picking me up in like an hour I already told everyone that I'm going I have to go. The party is in my brother's memory which is just another reason why I have to go."

Wait how the hell did he know I was going to the party?  I never told him right? Whatever he's friends with Matt he probably just told him I was coming.

"Tell them you can't go." 

"No. I'm going. I haven't done anything with my friends since the accident. You don't control what I do and plus you're with Jessica why do you care what I do you should be worrying about her skank ass cheating on you."

"Why does everything have to come back to Jessica huh?" 

I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the guest bedroom as I said, "I'm going."

I got into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Connie.

Hey, Connie you still picking me up in an hour right?

Of course! See you then!


Finally, an hour had passed. I spent the hour listening to my favorite song 'Despacito' by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee while completely butchering the lyrics. Damn, I should've taken Spanish class.

I looked down at my phone just as the doorbell rang. I grabbed my bag of makeup and ran out the door.


Hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a few days I was busy. Hope you liked this chapter i know its kinda short but, I have a few pre-written chapters so I'll be posting them throughout the next week! Comment ideas for further chapters! Love y'all Until next time


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