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"It'll get better won't it Em?"
Two long days of police interrogation and doctors had finally passed and I was out. Out of this terrible hell hole. Ryder never left my side throughout the entire thing. Also he finally told me that being with someone helps him cope with big things in his life and that's why he had said that to me.

I walked up to the receptionist to sign myself out.
"Hello sweetie, what is your name?" She said with a big toothy smile.

"Hello! My name is Emma Phillips and I'm here to check myself out." I grinned back at her.

"Alright then sweetheart."
With that she handed me a piece of paper work. I filled it all out and handed it back to her.

"Thank you!" I said while walking out the door.

Ryder couldn't stand to see me walk on my injured leg he hated it with a passion. As soon as we got out of the hospital he picked me up.

"Ryder you don't have t-"

"Let me? Please." He said as he continued to walk into the parking lot with me in his arms.

I decided not to argue with him at this very moment since he had been so nice to me. I knew he paid for my hospital fees and I tried my best not to be rude.

We finally got to his car and he opened the door with one arm and sat me down in the seat. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead before closing the door to the car leaving me blushing like there was no tomorrow. Something definitely was starting to go on between us I could just feel it, but now wasn't the time. I needed to start thinking about my brothers funeral.

Ryder jumped in the car and started driving away.
"I'm taking you to my house. You're not safe at yours anymore. We can go pick up your stuff and then we're leaving until the cops get the people who did this to Luke and you."
I could see his knuckles turning white as he got angrier at the thought that our attackers weren't in custody yet. I put my arm on his shoulder and made small figure eights with my pointer finger.
"Okay Ryder."
He turned and looked at me with those green eyes. They were full of sadness and anger. I couldn't stand to see him like this.
"Hey Sandy how are you?!" I said to Ryder's step mother while walking into the house. She too looked deeply saddened and came over and gave me a hug.

"Stay as long as you want okay sweetie?"

"Thank you Sandy."

She pulled away and I saw her start crying. She excused herself and walked out of the entry way and into her room. I was left alone with Ryder. He seemed angry and started walking up the stairs with my suitcase in his hand. He then remembered that I was hurt and dropped the suitcase and carried me up into his room. He sat me on his bed and went back for the suitcase. I could see the anger in his eyes when he got back. I immediately stood up and walked towards him.

"Ryder it's oka-"
I was quickly interrupted by the sound of him grabbing a lamp off of his night stand and smashing it onto the ground.

"Fuck man. If I was out there I could've saved him. It's all my fault."

"It's okay. It's not your fault you couldn't have done anything okay? It was his own fault for putting himself in that environment." I said while stroking his arm.

"But if I was out there I could've seen something or someone."

He suddenly dropped to his knees streams of angry tears started pouring out of his face. I quickly sat down in front of him and he pulled me into a hug.

"Em. Please don't leave." He said through tears.
"I won't." I said while running my hands through his hair.

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