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Thalia's POV

I bite my lip to try and conceal a smile as I watch Theo try and help Grayson finish hanging up the last of his clothes. He's officially moved back in.

"Thank you Theo." Grayson high fives him and Theo beams.

"Welcome.. dad." He hesitates at the dad part, he's still getting used to it. I'm surprised though, because it's only been five months since they met and they're doing great. It did take some time for Grayson to stop being 'the scary man that yelled... a lot' and to start being 'dad'.

"Alright, boys, let's make some dinner, I'm starving." I smile as I get off the bed and start to head downstairs.

"We get pizza? Please?" Theo asks as we walk down the stairs. I roll my eyes playfully but give in.

"Only because I don't want to cook." I smile and Theo beams as Grayson heads for the phone.

"He's got great taste in food." Grayson winks and I giggle as I playfully smack his arm.

"He's always had your pizza addiction, but ever since you came back, you both gang up on me to get pizza."

"I promise you that every single one of our children will love pizza as much as I do." He winks and I laugh.

"Oh?" I smirk, "So you want more children?" I raise a brow at him and he blushes.

"Of course I do." He winks, regaining his confidence. "Do you?" He bites his lip.

"Yes." I smile softly. "But we aren't having any more until you've got your career going and we're ready."

"I'm ready now, I've got the interview next week and a new baby wouldn't affect the job. I'd basically be my own boss in no time." He winks and places his hands behind his head as he wiggles his eyebrows and flexes his biceps. 

I roll my eyes. "You're so cocky."

"That's how you got pregnant, isn't it?" He cheekily winks and I smack his chest.

"Grayson Bailey Dolan!"

"Bailey?" Theo pops up. "That's me!" He grins and I blush as Grayson raises a brow.

"How, bubba?" Theo blushes.

"Theodore Bailey Dolan." he mutters softly. Grayson smirks.

"You named him after me?"

"Well, of course, he's your son." I blush.

"Well, I'm glad you did." He smiles. 

"The next one is going to be a surprise for you." I wink, and Grayson raises a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"He or she will be a surprise." I grin and we both know that I'm not telling him anything else.

"Just like where we're going tomorrow?" He smirks. "By the way, you're going to have to take the whole next week off."

I gasp, "Grayson! This is so short notice and my coworkers and substitute teachers will hate me." I mumble as I flip through my memo book for the pizza delivery number.

"You really thought I wasn't going to do something huge for my baby's birthday?" He laughs and smirks. "Theo will be fine with my parents, I already have everything planned."

I sigh, "You're too much." I joke as I try to hide a small smile.

"But you love me."

"I really do."

"That's why I want you to marry me."


"Marry me."


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