chapter six.

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Thalia's POV

One month. That's all I have left before graduation, and this happens. My heart is racing, my hands are trembling, could life possibly get any worse?

The answer is yes. Yes it can. And it does. Two weeks later, it's noticeable. At least it wasn't noticeable at prom.

Originally, I was an average high school girl who was obsessed with having the flat tummy everyone wants. And I managed to achieve and maintain it during sophomore year and on. Now, I've got a little bump jutting out the bottom and everyone can tell.

Except a few. And those few include Grayson and Ethan. How? Who knows, they practically know everything when it comes to me, but they can't pinpoint this? It's so strange.

I can't help but think back on the time that Grayson somehow knew I was on my period.

Grayson was acting funny and it simply made me uncomfortable. One second he was hugging me and talking about weekend plans that he gets to take me on and the next he leans in and sniffs. Yes, this boy sniffs me. Then he scrunches his nose the slightest bit and continues. I listen and am into the conversation until I start getting really bad cramps and he immediately stops.

"Period cramps?" He asks. My eyes widen but I nod.

"Yeah, they're bad." I mutter. He checks the time and looks around.

"In twenty minutes excuse yourself to the restrooms by the front of the school." And with that, he was running. I raise a brow but do as told.

20 minutes later I get to the restroom and he waltzes out of the men's restroom, smirking and holding painkillers.

"I've got a water bottle too. Need em?" He asks, still smirking. He obviously knows I do. I roll my eyes.

"Yes, please." He laughs.

"Gimme a kiss then."

Yet he can't tell I'm pregnant.

I pull my head from the clouds and gather my papers and bag quickly as the bell rings. I try to avoid everywhere because the rumors have already started to spread like wildfire.

"I heard she's doing it so he stays here for college."

"Yeah, she's definitely pregnant, she eats every class period and wears loose clothes now."

"She just gives that vibe off. You don't even have to look at her belly."


I hold my bag in front of me and rush to the next class, which I have Gray in, and I was so thankful I got to see him soon. It's been hard. I'm only 8 weeks pregnant but I've got the bump. It's only a matter of time before he asks me about the rumors.

I look down and walk fast, hoping I'm not stopped and hoping that Grayson was already in class. Of course, to my luck, he was not. I sigh and sit in my usual seat towards the back, left corner. I mindlessly trace the wood patterns on the desk and daydream about baby names and which features the baby would have from Gray and which ones from me, and then I can hear Grayson's unmistakable laughter followed by Ethan's infamous "Ewww!" My heart begins to race, excited to see him after a full day of stress and negativity.

When Gray and Ethan walk in, I feel a little weight lift off my shoulders as they walk towards me. Gray's smile immediately becomes brighter and he rushes over to hug me. I stand up and open my arms just in time for him to rush into them and hug me tightly while picking me up and spinning me. I giggle and squeal quietly, not caring who heard or saw us, no one can bring me down when I've got my love.

"Hello my darling," Grayson whispers as he sets me down again. I smile and peck his lips.

"Hi," I sit down and wave at Ethan before returning my full attention to Grayson.

"Can I talk to you about something serious?" Gray asks, his demeanor becoming serious and concerned. I slowly nod and begin to feel nervous. "Well, there's been some rumors going around about you... I'm pretty sure you've heard them. But I don't care about what they're saying, I want to know if you're okay, so... Are you okay?" His eyes search my face for the emotions that I've learned to tuck away.

"I guess." I smile, forced. "It kind of sucks that they're saying I'm pregnant because of my weight gain, but I'll be okay." I reply as I struggle to keep my eyes tear-less. He bites his lip, not totally convinced, I mean, we've been dating for a little over three and a half years, he knows me better. But he also knows me well enough to know that I won't say anything until him and I are alone.

"Okay baby." He leans and kisses my temple to try and reassure me. It only makes me feel worse.

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