chapter five.

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Grayson's POV

I check the time and begin to get dressed, allowing her sleep a little more.

My mind is at ease, knowing she's forever mine no matter what. She gave herself to me, and I to her. My heart swells with love every single time I look at her, and I can't help but think about how glad I am that she loves me back.

Once I'm fully dressed, I look up at the sky and notice the moon is nearly a full moon. Just two more nights..

I hear Lia start to stir, so I grab her clothes and turn to look at her.

"Baby, wake up." I smile softly. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches, smiling once she sees me. My heart races, knowing she's happy with everything leading up to now.

"Hi babe." She sits up and holds the blanket to her bare body. "What time is it?" She rubs one of her eyes.

"11:32, get dressed and I'll start driving once you're dressed." I bite my lip as the memories of what happened just two hours before replay. Her skin, my skin, her breath, mine... We made love.

I hand her her clothes and she smiles  "Thank you, Gray."

Soon, we arrive at her house and it's 11:54 pm. I park and go to open the back seat door to help her out. Immediately, she takes my hand and she steps out, slightly wobbly. I hold her by her arm to steady her. She looks up and smiles sheepishly.

"Thank you. I'm already a little sore." She stretches and her back pops.

"Always, babe." I smile and start to walk her to the door. Once we get to the door it's 11:55. I turn to face her and I can't wipe the silly smile off my face as I look at my mate, my forever, my future, my everything.

"Grayson?" Her voice brings me back from my daze.

"Yes, my love?" I smile. She blushes.

"I want you to know that I love you. So damn much, and no matter which college you go to, I'll find a way to stay in touch. Even if I have to sit by the home phone all day or buy a thousand stamps a week." She giggles, but then she gets serious again. "It's going to be hard to be apart while at different colleges, but I promise you it'll be worth it in the end." I can't help but smile softly the whole time.

I nod as my heart clenches, realizing I'll have to be away from my love for weeks at a time, even months. I pull her into a tight hug.

"Promise me that you'll at the very least write to me." I whisper. She holds me as close as she can, our heartbeats in sync.

"As long as you do the same." She whispers back. I smile and nod, pulling away.

"I promise." I hold out my pinky. She links her pinky to mine and smiles.

"I promise."

"Now get inside and get some sleep, we're going somewhere at 8 in the morning." I wink. She laughs.

"Alright, thanks for tonight, it was wonderful." She leans in to kiss me. "Good night, drive safe."

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