chapter twenty-nine.

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Ethan's POV

I've never lied to Grayson, yet here I am, telling him that the family and I are just going to run errands and check up on the pack houses. He finally came to spend a Christmas with us. But he just so happened to dropped by, on the day of Theo's birthday party, without notice. We lie so we don't have to explain everything to him and we won't change the course of fate. We use the excuse that he needs his rest after his long drive to get him to stay home and not participate on 'menial' tasks.

He complies and doesn't give it a second thought and we quickly head over to Thalia's apartment. My parents are slightly worried and end up driving slower than usual, but we still get to the party on time. 

My nephew is finally turning 3, and we're all very excited and sort of worried. Excited because we've watched him grow into an intelligent, personality filled toddler. Worried because he's getting closer to his shift and we need Grayson to get his shit together and fix everything with his mate. We still haven't told him about Theo, but that's his secret to find out. None of us will dare to mess with fate. Dad did and that didn't end well for him.

Once we get there, I can immediately hear Theo's laughter. It brings a smile to all of our faces and when we walk inside, we immediately see Theo grinning in a little dinosaur one piece pajama set.

"Rawr!" he giggles out as Thalia rushes into the room and scoops him up, holding a set of clothes. 

"I am so sorry, he's been hiding because he wants to stay in his dinosaur pajamas." Thalia quickly says as Theo pouts.

"Dino!" He frowns and grumpily crosses his arms. Thalia seems to melt as she gives in, putting him down.

"Fine. Only because it's your birthday." She smiles sweetly at him.

"Happy birthday, Theo!" Mom says.

"Tank you Nana!" He grins and hugs her legs. We all get inside and begin to celebrate another year of life for Theo.

Theo enjoys his day, but then begins to ask where Nate is and I realize I haven't seen him.

"He'll be back soon, bubba, he went to the store." I tune in and listen to her heartbeat and she's lying.

"She's lying." Cameron mind links me and I nod.

"Lia, can I talk to you?" I ask. She nods and has my mom and dad take care of Theo while Cam and I follow her to the hallway.

"What's going on, is everything okay? Do we need to kick Nate's ass?" Cameron spills out in hushed whispers, her eyebrows furrowed together in worry.

What is said next could determine not only her and Theo's future, but even Grayson's.

She nods. "Yeah... Just... Nate's brother, Benji, had an outburst... an hour before you guys got here... and now Nate had to take a breather... he kicked Benji's ass." She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"What do you mean he had an outburst?" I ask, getting angry at the possibilities of Theo or Lia getting hurt by some hormonal seventeen year old kid. Lia sighs and lowers her voice.

"Benji is going through the same crazy phase that every seventeen year old goes through. He got angry that Nate hasn't been there for the family and he said some stuff..."


"He yelled, and I quote, 'He isn't even your son! He can't even pass as your son because he looks nothing like you! Why are you even taking care of him if he isn't yours?!'" Lia looks broken as she repeats his words. They probably affected her so much that they're engraved into her memory.

"I am so... so sorry." Cameron pulls her into a hug before mind linking me.

"It's begun."

Nate got home soon after with his family, except Benji.

Theo was excited as ever and clung to Nate for an entire hour. Soon, Lia and Nate were so tired they admitted that we should go.

"Again, I'm really sorry, but Nate has a hauling gig starting tomorrow and I've got work." Thalia apologetically says. We assure her that it isn't a problem.

"Cam, E, can either of you baby sit?" She hopefully asks. I nod.

"I'll just have to house sit too."

"Why? I mean, that's fine, but I'm curious."

Cam and I exchange a glance before sighing.

"Grayson's home." Her eyes widen and she nods, just as my parents, Cameron and I get a mind link.

"Are you guys still out?"


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