chapter twenty.

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Thalia's POV

At 29 weeks, I've developed something called pregnancy brain. My memory has gone to shit. To add to that, no amount of lotion seems to soothe the itches on my belly. And migraines are a constant. At this point, I'm more than ready to have this baby. I'm sick of the heartburn, constipation, frequent urination, and I'm sick of not being able to sleep! I am sick of it all!

And on top of that, Grayson hasn't called in almost 7 weeks. I've only received two short letters between the calls. I'm livid about everything! And sadly, a very tired Nate is the victim of my anger.

"And he can't even call me once a fucking week?! I know college is tough, believe me, I know. I'm pregnant, working and ahead of the game and I have time to call him, but when I do, he rarely picks up and when he does he's fucking tired!" I run my hands through my still damp hair as I sigh.

"Lia, I'm telling you, something is fishy about Gray." Nate tiredly rubs one of his ocean colored eyes as he speaks.

"Yes! I can see!" I snap, gently rubbing my belly before sighing again, "Sorry, I'm just extremely irritated." I bite my lip and stare at the floor.

"I know, just call him and confront him." He mumbles out. My eyes light up and I nod, knowing exactly what I was going to say.

"Thank you!" I rush over to the phone and immediately begin to dial his number.

Grayson's POV

I set my backpack down against my bed frame and kick off my shoes. Just as I lay down, the phone begins to ring. My heart races, hoping it's Thalia. I rush to answer it, I haven't called in almost 7 weeks and she hasn't attempted to call in 2 weeks.

"Hello?" I answer softly.

"Hey Grayson." Thalia answers. Something in her voice terrifies me, especially the use of my full name. Even though she uses my full name, my heart speeds up. I let her voice, although altered by the phone, caress my ears and ease my soul. I've missed her so much.

"What's up baby?" I bite my lip. I hear her take a deep breath, and it stirs at my emotions.

Every single time I hear her voice or see her handwriting or even catch a whiff of her scent off her letters, I die inside. My absolute need to be with this woman is overwhelming and nearly drives me to quit university every single time she makes contact. That's why I keep my distance. The intensity of my emotions whenever I have any form of contact with her are out of this world. I have to have her. To hold and love, feel, touch, kiss... everything. My wolf can barely take it. I can barely take it.

"I'm going to give this to you straight." She says. It sounds as if she's practiced this, and that does absolutely nothing to get rid of my fears.

"Of course, just tell me." Is she leaving me?! My heart beats faster.

"Why haven't you been keeping touch, like you promised?" Her voice wavers, ever so slightly, but I catch it.

My mind swirls and the lie spews out before I can stop it.

"I've been so unbelievably busy, baby! I barely even have time to sleep! I know it sucks, but I'm making those grades worth it, like you told me to." I bite my lip, please believe me.

"You're damned right, it isn't believable! Damn it Grayson!" She yells. Shit. "I go to college too! I go to college, am ahead in most classes and maintain a job! Hell, I'm pre-" She abruptly stops and then groans, calming down slightly. "I'm probably just as busy as you, if not more!"

Keep the act, Grayson.

"Are you calling me a liar?!" I bellow, forcing myself to come off as angry.

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