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Lucy's POV

After wandering around for a bit she found her class, she was about to step into class when she heard a scream. Her eyes widened, in the distance she saw Levy, being shoved around by what looked too be a black and white haired...male..? Rushing over she looked Levy in the eyes. Levy looked back, without a thought she ran over to the black and white haired male and shoved him off Levy. With anger in her eyes she turned to Levy, who was now being comforted by 4 girls, two who had white hair, on with red hair, and one with dark blue. Then she turned to face the person who was pushing Levy around. In a flash she was knocked to the ground. The last thing she saw was a dark haired male shove the other guy away and stare at her.

Levys POV

"IS SHE OKAY!!!????" She screamed then she saw Rouge charge Midnight. "Thank god he was walking to class" she mumbled, she rushed over to Lucy. Then told her other friends to get the nurse. "Her first day and she's been knocked out by the schools biggest jerk" she said to Rouge "I'm gonna kill him one day" Rouge said under his breath.


Lucy's POV

Waking up in the nurses room seeing her blue haired friend smiling at her, "that was quick" Levy said, "It's only been 2 minuets" " We should probably get to class, Levy" she said as she walked to class and waved goodbye, steeping in she saw a familiar face, the guy who helped her. "And....Why hello there, you must be Lucy Hearfillia" Lucy nodded, " Well class, this is Lucy, our new student..I was informed by Erza that 'Midnight' knocked you out, you can go sit next to Erza and Rouge, please stand up" Erza and Rouge stood up and Lucy sat next to them " thank you" she whispered and they continued their class.

That's it for now! Hope you enjoyed!  I will try to post again soon! Bye for nowwwwww ❤️

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