Chapter XIV: Downhill And Under The Table

Start from the beginning

After he placed it on the water, he stepped in, letting his phone blast classical music in the background, and relaxed.

Alexander on the other hand, had zero clue how to work the fancy people shower, and was probably making a mess of everything. The twisty things were very confusing and he was sure he would die of burns or hypothermia. "Maybe I should just ask John." he told himself. "Or not, I'll figure it out on my own. I'm smart." He kept trying, and after probably 10 minutes of failing miserably at turning shower handles, he figured it out and finally took the simple shower. He walked out with only a towel, and instantly got dressed in casual clothes, jeans, worn out shoes, simple shirt, and his hair in a ponytail. He walked over to John's room and knocked on the door. John didn't answered so he knocked again. After 3 minutes of waiting he just though fuck it and opened the door. Since there was no one in the bedroom, but the lights in the bathroom were on, he figured out John was most probably in the bathroom, either taking a shower or a bath, so he shrugged it off. He started looking around the bedroom. It was quite pretty, the walls were a nice white, from the high ceiling hung a simple chandelier, on the corner there were chairs and bean bags, and a door on the left to what led most probably to a walk-in closet. John's suitcase as open on the middle of the floor, and papers scattered around the desk on a far off corner. He remembered how possessive John got over those papers, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious. He walked over to the papers, and started looking through them.

Drawings in pencil, watercolors, graphite; John was really talented, some of his drawings went more to the realistic side, and others went more to the cartoon side, but it was wonderful nevertheless, the way he shaded the colors; he was in love with it. He opened some folders to see more; scenery, humans, animals (specially a turtles, but they seemed more like a work in process). He was very concentrated, when a hand suddenly snapped them away from his hands, and hid them from his eyes. Alexander was too shocked to react or defend himself, firstly, because John came out of nowhere. Second?

Because John was naked.

He had a clear view of John's behind, but John didn't seemed faced, he was way too concentrated on hiding the papers from Alex. He was more built than Alexander thought, he had muscle, and a very... sexy back. Alexander's mouth went dry, he wanted to touch. He really, really wanted to touch.

"What are you doing!?" John asked and turned around. "Why were you looking through my art!? That's private!!"

"You know what else is supposed to be private!? Your dick!" said Alexander, pointing to it now. John went a deep shade of pink, and covered it quickly. "No, don't cover it!" he grabbed John's hand and dragged him over to the bed. He sat down, his hands on John's neck pulled him down on top of him. "Let's put it to use." he whispered, seductively on top of John's lips.

John was way too distressed to stop anything at the moment, so when Alexander started to kiss him slowly, he wasn't paying very much attention, but he was very much kissing back.

John's hands made his way to Alexander's hip, and thrusted them forward, gaining a sweet, soft sound from Alex's lips. Alexander started to undress himself, but at that moment, John realized full on what was about to happen, so he stood up straight and quickly walked backwards, away.

"No! Alexander, what are we doing!?"

"You're about to stick that dick inside me, get on with it, pretty boy!" Alexander groaned, sitting down, putting his weight on his elbows.

"No, we can't do it, you have your soulmate, I have mine, it would be–"

Alexander stood up and shut up John by kissing him passionately, pulling away for a few seconds. "I desire you, John." he whispered, emphasis on every single word. Words so full of lust, it made John weak at the knee. "Do you not desire me back?" he looked at John with innocent eyes and bit his lips.

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