She's on fire...literally

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I was in a hotel room sitting there with Malcolm.

"I don't like how they keep the flames up, Arielle" I nodded agreeing

"Its so hot at that section too" I stood up looking out the window

"You serious?" He asked

"Yea. C'mon the driver is here" we walked down the hall, "what's his face... Dickson he said they were suppose to have this safety thing to hide the flame, but they couldn't find it. Plus Henry thinks it's not necessary"

Malcom rolled his eyes we both didn't like him all that much.



I was outside of Geo's house waiting for the illest time. Raquel told me the whole story of what went down when I left the other week. Apparently shit popped off between Geo and Kim... like always, and he was telling me how it was real bad.

I thought by then he was just over exaggerating it because I always see them argue. But apparently this time it was worse. Drew told me that if no one was there then they most likely would've fought.

Geo and Kim physically fighting? That had me on edge. Geo doesn't take shit from anyone. If Arielle did swing... would he hit back. Like Geo joked about niggaz hitting girls while watching shows and shit. He'd always say if a nigga got hit by a girl, he'd hit her like she was a nigga.

I wonder if he'd do the same if it were Kim. Geo was heartless before Kim I wonder if he still had his heartless ways now?

I sat in the car checking the time. I hadn't been over Geo's place in a minute. I've been busy, plus he's been in his own zone lately.

We did plan to come to this award show so he should be ready.

I looked at my watch again and noticed 15 minutes had passed. I got out the car and walked up to his room. I ain't even bother to knock I just grabbed the key unlocking the door.

As soon as that door open I was smacked with weed. I was beyond pissed. I took my jacket off and set it on the couch. I followed the scent and seen him in the hallway.

"Geo you fuckin wit me right" he was dressed but he looked like he was getting undressed. His bow tie was untied around his neck.

He was sitting on the floor by the window blowing smoke out.

"Get ya shit settled and let's go. I've been waiting outside for the passed 15 minutes" I stated upset

He coughed clearing his throat "I ain't goin' "

"The fuck you ain't" I warned

"You heard me I aint going now get the fuck out"

"What's goin on with you?" I asked lifting a brow

"If she's gonna be performin' I ain't goin' " he said

"Geo bruh my nigga, you really bout to miss out over some rumor that she's performin' ?" I asked

I shook my head, "Fizz, you don't get it"

"No I do get it. You got into an argument with her. Y'all haven't spoken, boohoo, now let's go" I said walking off

He ignored me and sat there on the floor.

"Geo why you gotta be so difficult now--"

"Cause that was my girl. Do you get how it feels to have someone think you're lying--"

"She just saying that cause her mind is everywhere, she'll realize it sooner or later-"

"This ain't the first time she did that tho. You and I when we were about to make the deal and the guy asked her who she thought was right. Who did she pick? "

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