Chapter 9 A Confession Unreavled

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Gray’s POV



      After I clamed down a little. I took a shower and got dressed, and of course it was awkward having Lucy in the next room showering, but after she was done with that and dressing. We headed out of the room and went to the dinning hall for breakfast.

  The old man was sitting at the head of the table when we got there. “ Good morning Mr. Roderick, is there any work for us this morning?” I asked and he said that there was a snake in the study and that he wishes for us to get it out. I told him that we will get it done right away and we left the room “ Gray can I tell you something and don’t laugh at me when I tell you.” Lucy said and I said, “ I won’t laugh at you and I think I already know what you’re going to tell me.”


  I looked back at her and her face was all red and cute that I couldn’t help myself when a little snicker left my lips. “ What are you snickering about?” She asked and I told her, “ It’s just that you are so cute when you make that face.” Her face turned a really bright red and than she rushed past me and said, “ L…Lets just finish our job Gray.” “ Ok whatever you say Lucy.”


  I started to catch up to her and we were walking side by side with an awkward silence between us when she asked, “ Gray why do you like to embarrass me every time we’re alone?”  I than stopped dead in my tracks and when she noticed I stopped. She tan just looked at me waiting for an answer and I than decided to tell her the truth. Even tho it is really embarrassing. I than took a deep breathe and said, “ The reason why I embarrass you is that I really like you and all the cute faces you make when you get embarrassed.”

  I then looked at the ground, face all red and feeling like my heart has just stopped. I then heard movement coming close to me and when I looked up I saw Lucy right in front of my face and before I knew it her lips came closer and closer to mine. Then for a split second it was just we, no mission, no old man, just I and Lucy and our soft bodies touching each other. ‘Her lips tastes like strawberries’ I thought and then the taste was gone.

   She pulled away and said, “ I really like you too.” Then she started to hug me and we just held each other until it was time to get to work. We started out way down the hallway holding hands, not as friends, but as a couple.

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