Chapter 6 Starting The Mission

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(note: one of my friends helped me with this chapter and i would really love if you guys went to her porfile on here and read some of her poems. They are really good and i think some of you guys would like them. here is her porfile name, Darksunflower13 ^-^ and i hope you guys like this chapter too.)

Another’s Pov

       They existed the hotel. Gray is guiding Lucy throw the town in the crowed street looking for supplies for their long mission ahead. Gray’s hand clasped over Lucy’s when the streets became hard to navigate. This took two hours to clam the right equipment. The two companies hold the supplies between them as they went on their way to the mysterious forest where their mission is being held.

Gray’s Pov



    A little of an hour has past by and Lucy and I are still walking threw the forest to find the person that hired us. Then Lucy asked me a question even thou I wasn’t listening. Hey Gray who are we supost to help?” “ Well his name is Roderick and he needed some help with some demons.” When I was done explaining about the mission Lucy’s face had a tariffed look on it.

   “Hey are you ok?” I asked and she said, “ Y…. Yeah I’m fine.” I knew she was lying, so I took her free hand and told her, “ Lucy it’s alright to be scared. I’m here for you so if your scared just squeeze my hand ok.” After about ten seconds she nodded her head and we went on.

    ~After five minutes later~


 Lucy’s Pov


   It was a quite trip after Gray said, “ Lucy it’s alright to be scared. I’m here for you so if your scared just squeeze my hand ok.” I replayed that over and over in my head. I can’t believe he said that to me, I thought. About a couple more hours we finally made it to Mr. Roderick’s home in the deep forest. I squeezed Gray’s hand and he just smiled and whispered, “ It’s alright, I’m right here my princess.”

   I was so shocked with the last fraise that my face turned completly red. “O…Kay, thank you Gray.” “ No problem I ‘m always here for you,” he said. I than looked at the ground while Gray rung the doorbell.

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