Chapter 4 Getting to town

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Lucy’s pov


  I wonder who that girl was that wanted to go with Gray. Well I guess I could always ask him if I wanted to know. “ Lucy…is your cheek ok?” he asked. I was a little taken aback by his question and then I said, “Y…Y…. Yeah my cheek is fine but she can really throw a sap to someone’s face uh.” He then moved his hand up to my face and moved it slowly to the side and looked at my cheek and then he said, “ Are you sure your cheek is ok? I can give you and ice pack if you need it.” “ Oh thank you but I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”



  So after a couple of minutes of awkward silences we began to walk in the direction of a town that the mission was in. We were still holding hands but I really want to know what he thinks of me.

Gray’s pov


  I wish I knew what she was thinking. Maybe I should just tell her how I feel about her, but what if she rejects me? While I was thinking these thoughts Lucy said something and of course I wasn’t pay atention so I didn’t hear it the first time. Then she said, “Gray did you hear me?” “ Uh…oh yea I did.” “ Then what did I say?” “ Uh…um you said something about the mission right?” I told her my answer and she just said, “ No I didn’t ask about the mission. I was asking if you and the girl that slapped me are going out with each other.”  

 I then stopped when I heard the question and I was about to laugh, but I saw the shy look on her face. I then sighed and said, “I’m not going out with her by how she acts around me and stuff. So I can see why you would think that.” “ Well yeah it just seems like you two are dating because she seems really proactive of you and stuff.”  She said and than I just snapped and said, “Me and Juevia are not going out. She just stocks me all the time and hell she could be stocking us right now!” “ I’m sorry I just wanted to know!” she said yelling at me.

   She then turned her back to me. I then did something that I knew she would hate, but I’m still going to do it, he said to himself. I then turned Lucy to make her look at me and I kissed her on her cheek. “I’m sorry for yelling at you and for kissing you without permission.” When I looked back at her, her face was all red and then I could feel the heat rise up to my face. Then she said, “ Its ok I’m fine with the kiss and thanks for the apology.” “Y…. Your welcome.” I said back to her and then she took my hand and smiled at me. Her cute little smile I thought to myself and than I smiled back at her. Than we were walking into town to start our first part of the mission together.

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