Chapter 2 Welcome to Fairy Tail

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Gray's pov

I was holding on to Lucy's wrist while pulling her threw the crowd of people on the street. My face was slightly red while I was holding on to her wrist and I tried to hide it best I could, but he knew Lucy saw that his face was red, but decided on not telling him. Then she started to talk about it and my face got more red," Hey are you ok Gray? Your face looks really red, do you have a cold?" I was mordified by the question and stament. After awhile of silence I repiled," Y...yeah I'm ok and I'm not sick." " Ok just making sure that you were feeling well," she said back to me. While we were walking, we talked about things that interest us and also what we have in comine and to my surpise, we have a lot in comine. " So why did you move to Magnolia Lucy?"  As I asked that question I saw Lucy's smiling face go inot a sad smile. Then she answered me with a sad voice, " My mother died when I was young. Me and my siblings took it pertty hard but,"  She stopped and hesatated for a minute and than begane again with some stuttering in her voice, " f....father took it my mother's death the hardest and at that time my father locked himself in his study, he never came out and than one day he snapped at me and slapped my older brother Natusu for no reason at all and so that's why I moved here so I could get away from my father, but I wish I had brought my younger siblings with me."  She finished with a tear running sown her face and I knew I shouldn't have asked that question. " Ah jezz I'm sorry for asking,"  I said back to her and on an impulse I truned around and hugged her. She was now crying into my chest and after a while of hugging and tears she stopped crying. I then asked her if she was ok and she said that she was fine. " Hey, Gray...." " yeah?"  I said back to her. " Can I hold your hand for awhile?"  While she was asking that question, she looked a little bit shy and I than said, " That's fine by me." I than took her hand and she said, " Thanks for the support Gray."No problem,"  I said back to her with a light blush on my face.

Lucy's pov

I can't belive I'm holding his hand and we just met too!!!!! Man my face feels really hot and i really hope that he doesn't mind this awkwardness that is now between us, she thought to herself.  I started to walk beside him and I was going to ask a quwstion, but when I opended my mouth nothing came out. I really hope Gray didn't see that she thought, but he did and asked me," Uh.....Lucy is there something that you want to ask me?" Oh crap he did see just play cool she said to herself. " Uh....y....yeah do you have any siblings?"  Uh why did I ask him that? she asked herself that while mentally slapping myself. When I looked up at him he looked taken aback. I watched him think about what to say and then he said," Yes I do, I have to older broothers like you, but they are not that smart if you ask me." I giggled at that remark and said," Your family must be fun to hang around with." I looked back at him and his expression said something else like sadness and despar. I wonder what I said that upset him in any way. I looked back down and let go of his hand. Gray looked surpised when i let go of his hand and than he asked," What? you don't like me anymore?" I was so shocked by his statement that my face truned bright red. He laughed a little bit and said," Relaxe I was just jokeing, oh and by the way we are here." I didn't know what he ment by " we are here", but once I looked past him, I saw a big building that looked more of a cabin then a work place. Then he said, " Welcome to fairy tail Lucy."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry for the long wait i had school work to do and trying to finish another chapter but i hope you liked this chapter and send me any messages to tell me to upload and i will upload as soon as i can please vote/comment on this chapter/story thanks for reading have a great day ^-^

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