Chapter 8 Gray's Demons

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    Gray’s Pov



   I was in my bedroom when I heard a loud bang next-door. I was a little bit confused and so I got out of bed and went to my brother’s room. “ I knew the bang came from here,” I thought. So I knocked on my older brother’s door and said, “ Lyon are you ok?”


 There was no answer so I just opened the door slightly and saw what I thought I would never see again. My older brother had a knife in one hand and slashes on his wrists. There was blood trickling down his hand and onto the floor making a small pool of blood. My brother turned around and said, “ Hello Gray I thought you was asleep.” “No, I had homework to do so I was still up, but why do you have a knife in your hand?”

  I asked and he just smiled at me. That look that he gave me was really scary. Before he gave his answer he froze my feet to the ground and when I looked down and saw what he did to my feet I just got this sinking feeling that was in the pit of my stomach.


  “Lyon what are you doing?”  I asked and he just laughed. “Have you seen anyone dye before Gray?”  He asked and I shook my head with a tariffed look on my face. “ Well tonight you are. I’m going to myself and I want you to tell mom what happened ok.”  He said and some tears started to run down my face.

   I yelled at him to stop, but my voice wasn’t working and before he sliced his throat he said, “ I love you Gray. I will be watching over you forever.” Then I saw blood splatter everywhere and I screamed at the top of my lunges. Then I heard someone calling my name.

   (End of Nightmare)

  “Gray wake up!!!!!”  I heard Lucy’s voice and I bolted straight up with sweat on my forehead and I turned to look at her. She had a scared look on her face and I just hugged her tight. She hugged me back and asked, “Gray are you ok?” “ Y…Yeah I’m fine. I just had a really bad nightmare,” I said back with a little horse voice.

   She pulled away and looked at my face and asked, “ Is it ok to tell me?” I shook my head and hugged her again. I then said, “ No I don’t think I’m ready.” She nodded and hugged back. We sat on the bed for a while; still hugging and then I pulled away from Lucy. She looked confused for a second and she said, “ I’ll let you be alone for awhile.”


  When I heard that I looked up at her with sad eyes and said, “ No can you stay with me…Please.”  While I was looking at her face, her face turned a really bright red and she nodded yes and sat with me on the bed again. It was very salient and awkward, but in the end I said something. “ Do you want to know what my dream was?”  She nodded again and I told her everything.

  After about two to three minutes I was done telling her and when I looked up, she was crying. I was really surprised that she was crying for me and then she said, “ Gray.”  With a little hoarse voice. “ That is the most sadits thing that I have ever heard. I never knew you were in so much pain.”  Then the most shocking thing that has ever happened to me was that she kissed me. On my cheek and after Lucy did that, I could feel my face heat up and I tried to hid my face, but she grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

  “ Gray I am always here for you and if you ever feel scared or troubled you can come to me ok.” Lucy said that with a stray tear going down her cheek. I then wiped it away and said, “ I know and I’m glad you are there for me.”

~ Sorry for the very long wait guys I had a lot of school and sports going on so I couldn’t post anything up during that time but now that it is spring break I can post more chapters as much as I can so I hope you like this chapter and if you want to you can fallow me on weheart it or twitter and they are both the same username that I use on here so it is easy to find me and if you cant find me I will type up my names so you can find me. Well stay tuned and see what happens next. It will be great ^_^ see you later. ~

The Forbidden Love (GRAYLU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora