I took a long warm shower then changed quickly and dropped my tired body on my bed. I was extremely tired so after shrugging negative thoughts I slept at last. But I slept for merely an hour or two when my phone started ringing.

It was Enrique. I cut the call angrily and tried to sleep again but this time sleep was far from my eyes. I kept tossing around not giving a damn about his constant calling. Then an unknown number started calling me. I glared at it angrily but didn't pick up. A message popped up on my screen.

"It's Ryan. Please pick up."

God, please don't let it be something serious.

I finally picked up and right when I did I heard his panicked voice.

"Natalie, where are you? Can you come at Smalls Jazz Club?"

I questioned quickly in confusion.
"Why? What's wrong?"

He sighed a little then spoke hurriedly in a pleading tone.
"Enrique is not in a very good condition and on top of that he's refusing to go from here. Can you please come? He's not listening to anybody. He's totally wasted."


I agreed quickly and ended the call.
"Okay, I am coming."

I wore light blue jeans with a white fluffy top and drove as fast as I could to the given direction. I called him again and he came outside to take me to Enrique and there he was leaning on the couch totally in unconscious state. He was still in his tuxedo that meant that he came straight from the venue to this club. God, what do I do with him?

I looked back at Ryan and asked with a sullen face angrily.

"Why does your friend act so immaturely sometimes? Was he always like this?"

He racked a hand through his hair letting out a sigh then spoke in all seriousness.

"No, he was never like this. But ever since he has met you he has done stuff which I've never witnessed him doing before. Even still sometimes I can't believe that a guy like him fell in love this hard. I don't blame him though. You don't know the Enrique before he met you. He was one complete heartless and coldest person ever. He has changed so much."

I just knitted my eyebrows and pressed my lips together in frustration at his statement. After finding me all silent he spoke again this time with a glint of mischeiviousness a smile forming on his lips.

"So do you have any sister? Or a cousin? Or a friend who looks like you and her personality should be as awesome as your's."

I looked more into his eyes then tried my best to sound honest while batting my eyelashes suggestively.

"Awww so sweet. I am just honored. Want me to punch you in your face as a thank you note?"

He started laughing at that then muttered the last part in a whisper but I heard it.

"Hahahah don't. I am serious. I was the first one who liked you."

Instead of paying attention to that I questioned in return smirking a little.

"And what are you trying to say that you want to fall in love too?"

His unexpected reply came in a confident tone while his hands in his pant's pocket.

"Totally. Enrique acts so happy sometimes that I want to break his teeth for smiling so much. I want to experience the same thing."

I shrugged my shoulders lightly and spoke nonchalantly while teasing him with Victoria's name without giving much thought to it.

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