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I ran through the forest, sprinting and hopping to further avoid all the high signs chasing me with their swords, bows, and wands, my feet sore from all the running, and the bright ray of the soon to be setting sun catching upon my eyes.

I ran, and ran, and ran, without thinking about anything, then there, finally I see the cave, a temporary safe haven that I have to go to every single day to avoid them all. I silently entered the cave with a mouth small enough for me to fit in.

"Keep hiding, Dork!" I hear one of the high signs say, while laughing hysterically.

The place isn't that bad, it's a normal cave, an area for lighting fires, a suitable roof, some fauna growing on one of the spots in the cave, and the sides scribbled up by the people who once went inside this place.

Apart from that, this place seems to be haunted by ghosts, I know because I hear them.. they're.. always here.

Frankly, I don't even consider them an important acquaintance since they are dead after all.
But, since they are still living in this cave, I think I'll make an exception.

I looked outside my cave, looks like they're not there anymore, good..

I took a short sigh of relief which was cut off by one of the ghost residing in the cave.
"Thup" one of the ghost said.. the one with an awful lisp to be thpethifi- I mean specific.

Ghost are weird if you ask me, if not weird maybe slightly interesting, this cave is like their afterlife hub
Or maybe... a ghost version of a man cave? Hell if I know.

I took a peek outside again Glad they're not there anymore, and it's pretty sunny outside in the moment
I guess it's pretty fine to go outside.

I went outside, no sign of other people.. except ghosts maybe even though they're not technically people.
I pondered on the roof of my cave overlooking a deep cliff with a deep waterfall.

In hindsight.. I really shouldn't have went deep in high sign territory, they've always been selfish pricks
I don't even remember what I'm doing there.

I hear a deer in the distance, "Oh right..." I said to myself "food.."

This place gets pretty lonely.. It gets harder when there's no food, I had to follow that deer to the "apartments" of those high pricks.

The sun is setting pretty quickly, i looked behind me, because I heard a noise.. a noise I'd rather not hear for some time, His voice.

"So this is where you retreated? How.... poor" He said. "I don't know what you need from me. What is it do you need from me?" I replied

"I want... You!" He took out his wand and in a blink of an eye, explosions. Although I dodged.. my place didn't.

A hole is made on the roof of my cave. Quite.. alarming, I don't know why.
I ran and ran and ran, as fast as I possibly could, not thinking about the cave or any other shit.

That's not important for now.

I ran through the forest again not thinking about all the shit that's being barraged at my face, each step an equal opportunity for freedom I hope to achieve, with every step a chance to escape, but then.

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