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"Aren't you just the slightest bit worried that Alex will get out of jail?" Emily asked Spencer. I looked up from my magazine before throwing it on the table. "You really think Mona called the cops? That's her boyfriend." I scoffed. "What?" Spencer yelled, Emily now looking concerned. "Spencer keep it down you'll wake up everyone else." Alison said now entering the room. "Sorry it's a little hard when Hanna just said Mona basically kidnapped my family." She said running her hands through her hair. "I thought you knew!" I defended. "Well I didn't!" She replied. "Let's just calm down, Mona moved to France which means Mary and Alex are most likely...in France." Emily said with a twinge of uncertainty. I saw Emily's hand slowly go up her arm, noticing the ring on her finger. "Wait. Emily what's that?" I asked, Alison's face now getting red. "It's a um...ring." She said blushing. "I proposed to her." Alison interrupted sitting down next to Emily. "Congratulations!" Spencer smiled hitting Emily's arm. "I think we should celebrate." Alison smirked grabbing Emily's hand. "Well, goodnight ladies." Emily smirked helping Alison up. "Very subtle of you, Alison." Spencer grinned, watching them leave to their hotel room. "So when are you going to tell them?" Spencer asked now sitting next to me. "I can't tell them, I'm still really upset." I whispered laying my head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry about everything, Han. I know it's hard that Caleb died so quickly and you don't really know what to do but this baby it's-" "it's the only thing left." I whispered wiping my tears. "Han don't cry." She cooed, running her hands through my hair. "I just really miss him sometimes." I said looking at the fireplace. "That's how I felt when Toby died with Yvonne. Not only did I lose him, I lost him twice." She sighed getting up. "Do you want to sleep in my room?" She asked poking the fire. "Yeah, I'd like that." I grinned fixing my mascara. I followed her back to her room, taking in the view of the new Lost Woods. "You sleep with that on?" She asked softly as I got into the bed. "With what on?" I asked. "Your makeup, here let me wipe it off with this." She offered grabbing a make-up wipe. She wiped my face softly, noticing I was basically about to fall asleep. "Goodnight, Han." She whispered kissing my forehead softly. "Goodnight, Spencer." I mumbled. "Wait." I paused at the girl about to leave the bed. "What?" She asked. "Sleep in here with me." I said, not caring whether I sounded desperate. "O..Okay." She said snuggling back in. "Do you wanna feel her?" I asked, pulling my shirt up. "Yeah, I do." She smiled pressing her cold hand on my stomach. "Gosh are your hands always this cold?" I asked hissing slightly. "Well we did just sit outside in the cold, Hanna." She smirked. "She's going to be beautiful." She nodded. "I hope she'll have her mothers eyes." She nodded turning over. "Me too." I yawned.


"Spencer gosh turn your ringer off." I said grumpily, before noticing she was still asleep.

Meet me outside right now. -M

"For fucks sake, Mona." I scoffed getting out of bed. I looked at Spencer who seemed to be knocked out thank god. If Spencer was awake she'd tackle Mona with questions. I made my way out of the hotel with ease, seeing Mona sit by the dim-lit fire. "I thought you were in Paris already?" I asked sitting down. "No, he took Mary and Alex, but I had to come back to tell you something." She whispered seemingly upset. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You're pregnant Alex told me, but it isn't your baby." She paused looking me in the eyes. "It's Spencer's baby, Hanna." She said, looking at her phone. "Alex did the same exact thing to you that she did to Alison, she told us on our way to the airport." She said biting her lip. I was in shock, I didn't know what to say nor do. The only attachment I had to my late husband wasn't even mine. "Whose the father?" I asked softly. "It..It isn't Caleb, it's Wren." She said watching the fire burn out. "So the child in me right now is going to be Lily and Grace's brother are you freaking kidding me!" I yelled. "Hanna keep your voice down." She whispered. "I just I don't understand." I said now sobbing. "Hanna, it'll be alright." She whispered wrapping her arms around me. "I'm scared--I'm scared of being alone." I cried. "Hanna listen. You have to tell Spencer, she understands you, she'll help you!" She whispered, looking down at her phone as it buzzed. "My flight leaves in an hour I have to go." She sighed. "I love you, okay?" She smiled, hugging me tightly. "I love you too, Mona, thank you." I said softly, watching her get into her car. I opened the door to Spencer's room, trying my best not to wake her up. "Hanna, what's wrong?" She asked now sitting up in bed. "No..Nothing." I said shaking my head. "You're crying, what's wrong?" She asked getting up. "I have to tell you something." I whispered looking her in the eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I'm pregnant.." I sobbed grabbing her harder. "I know, I know." She cooed running her hands on my back. "No, it's not my baby." I said shaking my head. "Alex, Alex did the same thing she did to Alison to me." I said shaking my head. "I don't know when or where but she did it." I said sniffling. "Whose eggs?" She asked shaking her head. "Oh my god she took mine! Oh my god she put mine in yours didn't she?" Spencer asked. "Y..Yes." I cried. "Oh my gosh, Han." She whispered grabbing me harder. "I'm so scared." I sobbed. "I'll help you, we're in this together, whatever decision you decide to make." She whispered. "Ok..Okay." I said trying to calm down. "Come on let's go back to bed, you need your rest." She said guiding me to the bed. "Goodnight, Spencer." I whispered. "Goodnight, Han." She said tucking me in.

Hold me like you love me.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara