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"Well look who decided to get out of bed." Alison smiled, handing me a cup of coffee. "Where's everyone else?" I asked rubbing my head. "Outside, do you want to join them?" She asked. "Actually, not yet, can I talk to you before we do?" I said fumbling with my hands. "Of course, Hanna, what's the matter?" She asked sitting down on the couch with me. "I..I'm pregnant." I whispered looking at the ground. "Is it...-" "No, it's Spencer's baby." I said biting my lip. "Alex did it to you too?" Ali asked grabbing my hand. "Y..Yeah, and I thought it was Caleb's and I was so happy to have a part of him still and now it's like I have nothing." I said, trying my best not to cry. "That's not true, you have Spencer, you have us." She smiled softly. "I also have to tell you, that in a twisted way my baby-well Spencer's baby, is going to be the brother or sister of Lilly and Grace, they have the same dad." I sighed wiping my eyes. "Wait, you know who the father is? Hanna why the hell didn't you tell me!" She asked getting up. "I didn't know you didn't know!" I defended getting up with her. "Who?" She asked softly, looking at her slippers. "Wren, Wren Kingston." I nodded softly. "Oh, that wasn't that bad.." She shrugged. "When are you gonna tell the other gir-" "I don't think I will just yet, please keep it between Spencer, you, and I." I said, finally walking out the door. "Of course." She nodded. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." Emily smirked. "Yeah yeah." I mumbled. "I can't believe we won't see Aria for another three whole weeks." Spencer said running her hands through her hair. "Yeah I'm gonna miss her." I said sighing softly. "But I am so proud of you guys and this amazing hotel." I sighed softly. "But Emily, I have to tell you something." I smiled, Spencer now looking at me with wide eyes. "What is it?" She asked. "Well, I am pregnant!" I smiled softly. "Congratulations Hanna! Oh this is so exciting!" She squealed clapping her hands. "Well not to the entirety. It's Spencer's." I said biting my lip. "Oh, oh my gosh, I know exactly how you guys feel. You do not have to make any decisions on what you want to do yet." She said. "Yeah, but Hanna and I will find a way through it together, right?" She grinned. "Well we may not be team sparia but we are team Spanna." I smirked, sitting down next to Spencer. "Can I go to the stables with you today?" I asked softly. "Yes of course, I'd love that." She said getting up. "Well Ali has the first shift watching the hotel, so I've got to get home to the kids." Emily smiled hugging us tightly. "We'll see you soon." I smiled waving goodbye. "You wanna take my car or yours?" I asked pulling my keys out. "We can take mine, yours always has feathers that fly in my face." She laughed. "I can't help it, Claudia destroyed my car with all of her designs." I giggled. "Well my car is feather free." She smirked. "Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes playfully.
"Okay so, I'll finally take you up on that offer, teach me how to ride a horse." I said, buckling my seatbelt. "Hanna, we've gotta be careful about the baby." Spencer said, raising her eyebrow at the idea. "But we haven't even decided if you want it." I shrugged. "Well, I think that's an us decision, not me." She whispered, focusing on whatever road we were on. "God, Toby and I used to take this road, we'd get in his old truck and just listen to old cassette tapes on our way to the stables." She whispered, smiling sadly. "I know the feeling." I sighed, looking out the window. "I'll keep the baby, if you'll help me." I nodded, turning back to face her. "Of course! Yes of course I'll help you out. I just bought my parents old house if you want to stay there with me until you decide what's next." She smiled. "I'm shocked, you always have everything planned out but this time you really don't." I scoffed. "Well, this is a baby, not a puppy, Han." She said, biting her lip. "I'd love to raise a mini-me, take them to meetings and teach them politics, how exciting!" She giggled. "Can I be a part of their life?" I asked softly. "You will always be a part of their life if you want to be." She smiled, grabbing my hand.

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