Devars in action to save their bhabhi

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Oberoi Mansion

Omru have been spying on Nayantara as she said she will wait for her daughter in OM, Pinky found this to be an excuse to trouble shivaay and get Anika out...(Pinky has not planted her in my FF...who has we will have to wait and see) and found her secretly speaking to someone...

N - Hi I have done what you wanted anika has left the house and I have poisoned Shivaay against her he will not return to OM again...I need my money when I will get it...

Person - she has just left....divorce is not done how is your work complete...once you complete you will be paid...

N- I have to create more issues and spoil Anika's character so that Shivaay divorces her...

Pinky on the other hand has got the papers and has been persuading shivaay to sign them...but he is not ready to do it...

P - Shivaay she has left you...why do you want this relation now...

S - mom Anika is my and always will be my wife I cannot give her place in my life to anyone else..

P - so you will not listen to you mom...Shivaay just walks away from there...

P - (speaking to herself) I will also see how you don't listen to me...I have many tricks to get you to sign them...

Omru come to shivaay to tell him the truth the heard Nayantara speak but decide to get all proofs and then go to shivaay...just then Om get a call...

Om - Anika Bhabhi is calling me...hope everything is ok

Ru - Please answer I hope she is fine...

A - Om is shivaay ok...she was crying on the other side...

Om - Bhabhi is everything ok...please tell me where you are I will come now...

A - No I just needed to check if shivaay is ok...I just had a bad dream and was worried...(She lies as she did not want to alarm anyone)

Ru - don't worry Bhabhi I am there I will take of take care of yourself...

Anika disconnects and cries as she wanted to go to OM but remembered that shivaay will be upset seeing her so she called OmRu...

She decides to find out more about Mahi and Shivaay connection and starts her to is who are their parents??

Omru decide to get more evidence...they decide to do a DNA test for anika and nayantara...

They go to Shivaay room...they are shocked to see the room seems like anika has never left...all her things have been kept just like that...omru get teary eyed thinking how much pain shivaay is suffering now... they get a hair brush with long hair and confirm it is Anika's and decide to take it...

Om - Now we need that nayantara sample...she will not agree to give blood we have to use some other methods....they call the doctor and he gives them more options..

Just then they see nayantara smoking and she throws the cigarette butt down...Omru quickly take it without Nayantara knowing and go to the hospital to get them tested...

Somewhere on the road

Anika had left Mahi house as she did not trust him and was walking to go to her friends Chanda place...

She was still unwell due to attack from Kamini...suddenly she felt dizzy and was about to fall...Mahi comes there and holds her...Anika is still dizzy and mistakes mahi to be shivaay...she get very happy and hugs him thinking its shivaay...mahi does not know what to do and just holds her... and she faints in his arms...this was also recorded by someone as well....

Mahi - I think I need to take her to the doctor...she is really unwell..

Mahi takes her to the same hospital where OmRu are for the DNA test...

Precap - Is Anika ok?? Is Nayantara her mother??

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