An unexpected helper

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Anika has left her house and is walking alone on the road she does not know what has to be done she keeps walking suddenly her feet hits a stone and she falls down and cries bitterly…she knows now she has lost everything and feels very lonely….suddenly strong pair of hands pick her (sorry guys it’s not Shivaay) she turns to look it was MAHI.
M – what are you doing here at this time of the night?
A – I have nowhere or no one now leave me saying this she gets up and starts walking…but Mahi comes and holds her hand…Anika is angry and slaps him…
A – dont you dare….you know I am anika…shivaay singh oberoi’s wif….ee.. she starts weeping and mahi supports her
M – I know who you are but I still cannot leave you alone…please come with me till you don’t find a place for urself.
Anika agrees as she was not in the state of mind for a struggle. Mahi gets her home and let her sleeps…she is still crying her heart out…mahi gives her food and water and tells her to get rest…she also sleeps with tears in her eyes all alone…

Next morning Anika wakes up and finds none in the house and plans to leave as soon as possible…mahi enters the house and stops her and tells her that he has relation with her and he will take care of her…
M- you are related to me and I cannot let you go alone in this world…please let me help you…
A – what relation are you talking about…your brother has disowned me…im no one to him or you..and I am Anika I cannot take your favour…let me go
M – if you like it or no you are my Bhabhi…and you are my responsibility till you return to my brother..

Anika gets the DNA tests and meets Mahi she confronts him and asks him about the truth…mahi tries to run but she catches him and emotionally blackmails him…eventually he has a breakdown…
M- actually Kamini and Shakti loved each other, they wanted to get married….but Shakti knew that Kamini would not be accepted in the family so Shakti left her and married Pinky as per wishes of his family….
A – So if Kamini is your mother then is Shakti Uncleji your father???
M – actually even I do not know…but I knew that shivaay is my brother so I don’t want anything to happen to him…i have always lived my life as an illegitimate child…everywhere I went I was called a NAJAYAAZ… that’s y I used to hate the Oberois and helped my mom in the plan she had made…now she has vanished leaving me all alone…what did you get by knowing this truth…I don’t even know who is my father…
A – That’s y you saved him on that night…I knew you were bad not cruel…I need to inform Shivaay about this…I need to get to the bottom of this…if you are an Oberoi you belong in that house…
M- I don’t care about money but I love the family you have…I felt love for the first time I was in your house…
A – I’m sorry I wanted you give you rights but I don’t have any rights on that house anymore…she cries silently remembering Dadi, Omru, and Shivaay…
M- Whatever the situation I will be there with you…please do not cry..

Tried to compensate for late update with a long update

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