I wrapped my towel around me again once they were on because I didn't like people seeing my body in general.

"We're meeting for ice-cream first?" Corey asked once I was dressed.

I nodded. "Yea. I invited Zurie for Joc."

"I like Zurie. I think he'll like her." I nodded again, agreeing with him.

"Hopefully it won't be too much for her though. She's told you how she gets with dates."

"Joc's a good guy. He'd never do what that guy did to Zurie."

"I know that. But Zurie doesn't. It's just like how I was afraid to accept the fact that I liked you for all those days we had spent together after the whole almost getting raped thing. It's something you keep with you. It's scary."

   He grabbed my hand and pulled me so that I fell on the bed next to him. I laughed while he wrapped me in his arms, lacing his fingers with mine. "I know it's scary for you, that's why I'm here. You never have to worry about him again." He said softly, leaving a gentle kiss on my temple.

   I looked up and smiled at him. We locked eyes and he returned my smile before laying down and pulling me with him.

We stayed like that until it was time to leave. He helped me fix my hair since it had become nappy from laying on the pillows and helped him gel his back before we left my room.

We said bye to Cody before going down to the parking lot and getting in Corey's truck which I had no idea had been parked outside my complex the whole time they were gone.

Downtown wasn't far but LA traffics a bitch so it took us more almost 20 minutes to get to the icecream shop.

   We sat down at a table that Joc was already saving and waited for Zurie.

   When we finally saw her pull in, we greeted her at the door. Joc got extremely flirtatious with her which I was happy for, but I made a mental note to keep him in check and not let him make her super uncomfortable. I know that's not at all something he would intentionally do, but he doesn't know everything she's been through, so he might not know if she's uncomfortable.

    Zurie and I got the boys orders from them and walked to the counter to order everything. I got Cody a large rocky road and and Joc a large cotton candy swirl. Zurie ordered a medium chocolate and I ordered a small vanilla.

Almost right after we got back to the table, Joc got a text. He looked at his phone and his eyes looked like they were popping out of his head.

   He scooted his chair back and stood up. "I have to go. My brother is in the hospital from a car accident. Gosh, I hate bad timing..." He said before turning to Zurie. "I'm sorry Zurie."

"No it's fine." Zurie said, standing up also. "I think I'm going to go too. I have a lot of work to do at home and I think my moms coming over later."

"Okay text me when you get home so I know you made it." I said to her.

"Okay I will."

"Would you like me to walk you to your car?" Joc asked her.

She replied with a yes in a shaky voice and the two of them started walking out. "Wait Joc!" I yelled and he turned. "Which brother is it?"

"Tyger. He said he's fine though, he just needs some stitches." I nodded in response and watched them walk out.

They got to Zurie's car before stopping and chatting for a while. I wonder what they were talking about.

"They looked cute together." Corey said, breaking my thoughts.

I nodded in agreement. "Yea they did. Did you tell him?"

"Yea. I just needed to make sure he was careful with her and I knew he would be if he knew what happened."

I nodded again. "Can we still go to the carnival?" I begged.

Corey laughed before pecking my lips. "Of course we can still go."

I smiled and snuggled into him. We made small conversation while we finished our ice cream and talked about my games this weekend which luckily, he could make since they were all earlier in the day.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, standing up and throwing our ice cream trash away.

I nodded and followed him out to his truck.

baby bellinger / corey seagerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz