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Today is the best day that has ever happened to me. I can't believe Roman actually proposed to me, I've been waiting for the day to come and it finally came. 

I love Roman so much, but i do feel really bad for ending things with Reece that quickly, but it just had to happened.

I get up off my bed and get ready for the day, as i'm getting into the shower I hear loud banging on the door downstairs, I wrap myself in my towel and head downstairs. I look through the peep-hole and see that it's Derek. Well that's kind of weird because I thought that Derek and Lizzie is in Europe, or off traveling somewhere.

I go back upstairs and get in the shower, and yell to come back later because I just got in the shower. For some reason I didn't want to talk to Derek. Kind of rude, but I just.... I don't even know what's making me avoid Derek.

Derek had stopped banging on the door for about 10 minutes, and within that 10 minutes I was getting out of the shower and getting changed. Then there he goes again. The loud banging on the door, what could he possibly want from me. 

Some things that I thought in my head were.... Is it because of Lizzie? Did Derek and Lizzie break up before having their wedding?? What is going on??? The only way to answer all these thoughts, was to go downstairs and talk to Derek before he ends up leaving. 

I run down the stairs, look through the peephole once again, and Derek is there with a very upset look on his face. I opened the door and Derek just started yelling at me for no apparent reason.

Derek started saying things like..

"It's all your fault..."

"I wish I never met you"

...... Many more

So I just stood there in silence and thought to myself. What's my fault? Why did he say that he wishes he's never met me.

Derek leaves the door to go back to his car, but as he is halfway there i stop him.

"Derek wait.. What are you talking about? Can we talk this out, because I am very confused right now." I say with a very worried tone in my voice.

"Ugh, there's really nothing to talk about, I don't want to talk about anything.." Derek said in a pouty tone.

He walks back to his car again...

"DEREK WAIT! Please tell me what's going on?" I yell before he can get into his car.

Derek turns around and walks towards the porch.

"Fine! If this is what you think is best." He says approaching the door.

"Okay, so tell me what's up." 

"Alright, so you know how I asked Lizzie to marry me, and you thought that it was a great idea too." He explains.

"Yes? What happened?"

"Well, me and Lizzie got into a  really HUGE argument, and I don't think that I can fix it this time." Derek says sadly.

"And why is that?"

"She has ran off somewhere, she isn't answering any of my messages or calls. I feel like she went to see another guy. I feel like I have failed myself, I failed everyone."

"Derek, you have not failed anyone, I promise you, I will fix this just sit tight and everything is going to be okay."

"Alright, but i'm really sorry for coming over just to yell at you like that, I just had to let it out of me. But I will never give you up as a friend. I swear I didn't really mean the... "i wish i never met you part." I was just.. I don't know. But can you please forgive me."

Abandoned and in loveWhere stories live. Discover now