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My mom had finally arrived at the airport. We got home and I see that all of my things are packed, and there no furniture in the house.

Its completely empty. Mom what's going on, why is everything packed and we are furniture is not here.

"Oh Jezabel, I forgot to tell you, that's why I wanted you to come home. Were moving to Hawaii."

WHAT! Mom you can't do this, this is were I grew up, THIS is my home, I am not going anywhere. I say crying my eyes out, running away from the scene.

"Jezabel, wait!" Roman yells, as he's chasing after me.

I ran as far as I could go, until I stop to see, that theres a tree house not to far from where I am.

I go around the tree, and just sat there. "Jezabel!" I hear Roman calling out from a distance.

OVER HERE! I yell back.

"Oh, Jezabel, thank god your ok, I would've lost you, and never seen you again. It's going to be ok, I know you always wanted to have a future together, but it's not time yet, people always go their separate ways sometimes. We can always visit each other, I will always miss you. I love you. Everything will be ok." He says, as he kisses my forehead.

I know, but i don't want to leave, just like that, one thing you know I'm on a trip with my friends, the next, I'm moving away from my home, I love it so much here and I'm really going to miss it. I can't believe I'm leaving so soon. 

"At least I heard that Hawaii is a great place. You can swim with dolphins, and many more. . . You can do as much things as you want when your in Hawaii, just don't forget to message me every once in a while, or FaceTime me. I will miss you so much." He says hugging me as tight as he could. "

"Just remember, we will visit each other one day. Now lets get you back home, you guys have a flight to catch, and you don't want to be late for it." He said. 

Alright, lets go.

We got back to my house, and I never wondered to ask my mom why were we moving, so now heres my chance.

Hey mom, can you give me a reason as to why were moving.

"Oh, im so sorry to tell you like this but, Lizzie's parents died, they own a beach house in Hawaii. So when they died, they will have Lizzie move there, so not only were moving, Lizzie is moving with us, so that she isn't by herself. "

OH! Ok, but what about Roman, I'm going to miss him so much. As i cried on my moms shoulder.

"It's ok honey, you'll see him as soon as you know it." Mom exclaimed.

"I know Jezabel, I'm going to miss you a lot too, but at least, you'll have your best friend with you. That's all that matters. Everyone goes through long distance relationships, and we are one of those couples. I will visit soon, I promise. But anyways for now, you need to get going, I love and miss you. Have a safe flight." As he kisses me goodbye.

Bye Roman I love you!

"Bye Roman, i'll see you soon, on day i'll invite you and Derek to fly to Hawaii, and were going to have a beach house party." Lizzie says.

"For sure, see you soon Lizzie." Roman says.

We got into the cab, and left to go to the airport. Man I'm going to miss this place, oh I wonder what that treehouse was there for. Maybe when I come back and visit, that will be our new hangout.

Wait a minute????? Lizzie did you ever told Derek that you were moving to Hawaii. Cause if you didn't then he's going to be worried sick about you. Please tell that you told him. 

"OH SHOOTS! I totally forgot, well i can't now, i'll just have to FaceTime him. Hopefully he picks up." Lizzie yelled.

"Hey babe, whats up?" Derek questioned Lizzie.

"Yeah, so i kind of forgot to tell you that I'm moving to Hawaii with Jezabel, and her mom. I hope you understand, I'm going to miss you a lot." As tears comes down her eyes. 

"I love you so much Derek, and I hate to tell you like this, but don't you worry, I will come back and visit as soon as I can. Also, one day i'll have tickets for you guys, to fly to Hawaii. You and Roman, and we are going to have a beach house party."

"WHAT! OMG! Lizzie, tell me your just joking around with me."

"No, it's true, I have to move because. . ." Lizzie sniffles as she doesn't want to continue, cause she feels like if she tells him, she's going to cry at the fact that her parents died at a young age.

Lizzie is filled with tears, and she's trying to tell Derek everything that happened, and what happened to her parents.

"Lizzie, whats wrong? You can tell me." Derek said.

"Well, I have to move to Hawaii because, my parents have a beach house in Hawaii, and since my parents died, when we were on the Europe trip. So I have to live there, and Jezabel and her mom is staying with me." Lizzie says crying her eyes out.

"oh, im so sorry for your loss. Anyways it's ok, everything is going to be ok. wipe the tears off your face, no matter what happens, I want you to stay my happy girl. No matter how hard things get. I'll miss you and I love you Lizzie, i will visit soon." Derek explained.

"Thanks Derek, I can always count on you, when I'm feeling down." Lizzie says happily.

"No problem babe." Derek said.

"Alright, well i gotta let you go, were at the airport now. Bye" Lizzie says.

"Bye Lizzie, I LOVE YOU!" Derek exclaimed.

Come on Lizzie, its time to check in our bags. "Alright I'm coming." 

We checked in our bags, and headed to the plane. 

I'm going to miss this place. 

This is going to be a long flight, i might as well sleep for now. 


Hey guys! Do you know what the tree house is named? Well find out by reading Sold for Love.

Sold for Love is one of my friends book, and we decided to connect our books together, and the only way to do that, was to have my characters find the tree house.

The tree house is technically in my friends book, so we will have our character meet each other, but for now, continue on reading.

The journeys that Jezabel, Lizzie, and Jezzy's mom take, when they are in Hawaii.

Hope you enjoy. And don't forget to comment some suggestions on what I should do in the next chapters. 

Thank you!

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