10 1 15

*Beep beep beep*

"ugghhh what is that" I say turning to one side of the bed, and i see Roman next to me.

"I dont know what inspired me to end it with reece. Maybe its my brain telling me what I have been trying to avoid. A choice between the two. 

"urrggghh" Roman moans, about to wake up... Oh no I think he heard me. I hope he didn't.

Ok good, he's still asleep. I don't know what to do, I have a lot on my plate right now, and I need to clear things off my mind. 

I get up and go to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I do my daily routine.. brush my teeth, get in the shower, and you know the drill. As I got in the shower I hear Roman waking up, walking towards the bathroom. 

Oh no not this day all over again. I think to myself... What's next, Roman hears me in the shower and asks if "he can join me"

Oh shoots, as I predicted, he hops in the shower with me. 

Roman starts to move closer to me, and puts his hand on my shoulder. Just as he does that we hear the front door slam. 

Once we hear Reece yelling for me, we immediately rush out of the shower and start to throw our pants on, when we realize that we had left our shirts downstairs on the counter.

Reece yells once again, but he is interrupted by me and Roman running down the stairs rushing to get our shirts.

Reece then looks at us with the weirdest face, I feel like he's about to ask "why do we both not have a shirt on" when he puts two and two together when he sees our shirts on the counter and my lip gloss on Romans mouth.

He looks to me but I am speechless. I do not know what to say so I start crying. "I.. I... I am sorry... I'm still in love with Roman." In that moment I choose, who I am going to love for the rest of my life. As the words come out of my mouth I see Reece drop something and storm out. 

I just watch as he rushes out. I reach down and grab the thing he dropped and its an apology card. In the middle it says I love you.

I am so horrible. However, even though I am the worst human being on the planet I don't regret what me and Roman did. I meant every word I said. I am ready to be his. To be together. I do not need new friends or some old ones all that I know is that the only people that I can not live with out is Roman, Lizzy, and Derek. Without them I am not Jezzy. Who have I become. 

"I need to apologize to Lizzy." I say running out the door to next door. "Lizzy"I scream. 

She pops her head out of her room and runs down and swallows me in a hug. 

"I am so sorry" Lizzy says squeezing me.

"Me too! Friends?"



After all, Roman as we all know still always developed feelings for Jezzy. And Jezzy has chosen Roman to be his again.

Lizzy, Derek, Roman and Jezzy goes out to eat and celebrate Roman and jezzy getting back together. Lizzy and Derek has always known that Jezzy would never stick with Reece, and that she would love Roman more than she can ever love Reece. 

"I don't even know why I ever loved Reece in the first place. Roman was the one and only that I needed in my life. I don't know what I would do without him. He's just the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for." 

"I know that me and Roman has had our ups and downs, but we always find a way to get through it, so that we could always be happy together, forever..."

As the sun is setting down now, we go outside of the restaurant and lay under the sunset and take pictures. The sunset is really beautiful here in Hawaii. 

"Hey Roman, can I ask you something?" I say softly.

" Sure babe, what is it?" Roman replied with worry.

"Well I was thinking to start our life back in Europe, we can have a business there together, and find a house to live at.."

"Ummm, we could do that if that's what makes you happy, i'm sure that we'll have the money to have our own company. We could open a restaurant if you want. We'll have amazing food, and everyone would want to buy from us all the time." Roman replied with a very crazy idea. Ohhhh I love him so much. He always finds a way to cheer me up.


A few days later, we tell Lizzy and Derek about our plan, and they think that it's a really good idea. They'll come to visit us sometimes. In fact, they might be planning to move to Europe as well. 

We fly to Europe in a few hours, we say our goodbyes to everyone. We eat something before we head to the airport. 

We drive to the airport and have some people help us carry our luggage. As we wait for our flight to be called, Roman suddenly vanishes. I hope he's alright. I try to get a hold of him, and as I do that, he is walking towards me with a very suspicious bag in his hands. 

 I wonder what could be in that bag. What could he possibly be hiding from me. 

A few minutes later, I am still thinking what could be in that bag, but my thoughts were interrupted by the speaker calling out our flight number. 

We get on the plane... this is going to take us like two trips for us to get to Europe from Hawaii. 

The plane takes off, and it was a two hour flight from Hawaii to Ireland I believe. The plane has landed and we get off, as soon as we get off the plane we start to discover Ireland. Ireland is a really beautiful place to go to. But it costs a lot of money. 

After hours of exploring Ireland we head to another airport that is part of Ireland, and wait for out flight to be called to go to Europe. The flight to Europe from Ireland isn't as long as the flight that we just took. 

I believe that the flight is an hour or maybe 30 minutes, i'm not too sure, but I do know that it's one or the other.

We got on our flight, and I fell asleep on Roman the whole plane ride. We had just landed at Europe, and once I get off the plane, I get a phone call from Lizzy. 

"OMG Jezzy, you would never guess what just happened." Lizzy yells through the phone.

"ok Lizzy please calm down, you are going to hurt my ears... soooo what happened" I asked.

"Well..... DEREK JUST PROPOSED TO ME AHHHHH... I've been waiting for this moment." Lizzy yet again screams through the phone.

"Omg Lizzy, congratulations. I hope for you and Derek to have an amazing family one day." 

"Thank you so much Jezzy, I hope the same for you and Roman."

As I get off the phone with Lizzy, I turn around to find Roman down on his knees, about to propose to me...

So that;s what he was hiding in that bag this whole time. I thought to myself as Roman is still waiting there.

"Jezabel, will you do me the honor and marry me?" Roman says with excitement.

What do i do?? Of course, I say YES!!!

"YES ROMAN, I WILL." I say with more excitement than Roman just had to ask me. 


WOAH 2 MARRIAGES IN ONE DAY.... What do you guys think will happen next???

Will Roman and Jezzy have kids?? 

You'll find out soon readers. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

Thanks for reading, more chapters to come. 


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