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I wake up, and I see Reece next to me on the bed. I get up and noticed that I slept in my towel.

Did me and Reece, do you know what? Man I hope we didn't, I go to the bathroom, grab my clothes and change. I got out of the bathroom, and Reece was waking up.

"Hey babe, did you sleep good last night?" Reece asked.

Did he just say babe? Wait a minute, since when did I start dating Reece, I don't remember getting together with him. . .what in the world is going on?

You know what, I'll just go with it. He stood there, staring at me, waiting for an answer. I replied to him. . . "Hey baby, yes I slept very well, how about you?"

"Well I slept good, Im lucky to have you by my side."
Oh wow that's good, you want some breakfast? I can make pancakes. I replied.

"Sure, I love pancakes. I also heard that you make some amazing pancakes." Reece replied.

Oh thanks. Wait who told you that. . . I'm pretty sure my pancakes are terrible. One time I made pancakes for my mom, and she hated it so much. Every time I made it she would always pretend that she ate it , but I knew that she would throw it out in the garbage.

"Don't talk like that babe, I will love your food, no matter how bad or good it tastes" He exclaimed.

Awwwww thanks Reece. Your the greatest. I don't even remember why I got together with you. Anyways we need to hurry and finish eating, I heard that Lizzie has something planned for all us.

" ok thanks for making breakfast babe, that was really good." Reece replied as he kissed my forehead. I walked into the other room to get ready and meet Lizzie outside. While Reece hops in the shower.

Hey Reece I'll meet you outside. I yelled, walking out the door.

"Ok baby, I'll be out in a few." He yelled from the shower.

"Hey Jezzy, so how's Prince Charming in there." Lizzie said as she walks towards me. Omg! Lizzie shut up, we didn't do anything. Don't think like that.

"Ok I'm sorry. . ." She was interrupted by Roman and Derek walking towards us, screaming. I don't really know why they were screaming , but they are so irritating.

"Hey Jezzy, so how you doing? Haven't spoke to you in a while." Roman says as he looks down at the ground.

Oh, hey Roman, I'm doing good, how about you. Well I'm still kind of heart broken because of you, but whatever, everyone needs to get over break ups at some point.

"Oh yah that, well I'm sorry about that, I'm glad to see you happy again though. I fell bad for what I did, I'm doing good also, but I also feel really sad without you in my life anymore." Roman replied.

Well your the one that broke up with me, I don't know why your trying to get me back and all but I'm with Reece now. So back off. . . I say as I walk towards Reece, who is coming out of the cabin.

"JEZZY! Wait" Roman says as he pulls me by the wrist. What Roman, what do you want. I asked.
"I just wanted to tell you that, I know Reece, he's ." Roman stopped talking.
Well what Roman, what do you have to say.

"He's my twin brother ok, I didn't tell you when we were dating, but I knew of him, and I didn't want to tell anyone."
Your kidding right? There's no possible way that you guys are twins.

"Well your wrong, he's my twin." He replied. Wow! I didn't think that you guys would ever be brothers, I would have never pictured it. But you two kind of look alike.

"Yah. . . Well we are twins, what do you expect." He replied.

Reece came walking up to us. . . "Hey what are you guys talking . . ." I interrupted him.

Hey baby, had a good shower? I asked.

"Oh, yah I did, but somehow the hot water stop working, so half of the time i had to use cold water. Anyways, what were you guys talking about."

"Baby?" Roman asked. 

"Yah, you didn't know that were dating." Reece said.

"I did, i just didn't think that it was true." Roman replied.

"Oh ok, well now you know. . . its true. Oh, you guys never did tell me what you were talking about, I always got interrupted." Reece exclaimed.

Roman was just telling me that he knew you when you guys were little.

"Oh really, how do you know me?" Reece asked.

"Well . . . Im kind of your twin brother." Roman replied. "Twin brother? Omg I've been wanting to meet you, but at the time i didn't know who you were, and how you looked. Now that I know, I'm so happy to finally meet you." Reece said.

Well. . . this is awkward. Wait didn't Lizzie say that she has something planned for today. I asked. 

"Oh yah, she told us to get ready and meet outside." Roman replied.

Speaking of the devil. . . I'm just kidding. So Lizzie what did you have planned for us today. Please don't make it be spin the bottle again, I really hate that game. Also things got really awkward the last time we played it.

"No worries Jezzy, were not going to play spin the bottle. I felt like we should get to know each other a little bit more, since Reece tagged along with us, we should know more about him and stuff. Sooooo . . . . I thought that we should [lay truth or dare." Lizzie replied.

WHAT! NO! I do not want to play truth or dare, its almost the same as spin the bottle.

"Come on Jezzy, you need to have fun once in a while. Were going to play truth or dare."

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