"No" Yugyeom replies flatly, wishing he was as Bold as Taehyung or as blunt as Jungkook so he could tell the older man to go fuck himself. But he's neither. He's just Yugyeom who accepts defeat quickly to avoid conflict.

"Very well then, I've written you another prescription to go with the one I gave you earlier." Mr. Clark speaks up, handing the teen another piece of paper with a small smile, "Since that is all for today, try to take it easy Mr. Kim. I'll see you Monday then?"

Yugyeom doesn't bother with a reply as he takes the slip of paper and leaves the office quietly. He felt even worse leaving than when he'd first arrived. So much for getting help, now he just felt plain helpless. He closes the door behind him and begins to make his way to front desk to get his prescription filled when he spots a familiar dark haired girl coming from the opposite end of the hallway.

"Hey" He calls out quietly, waiting for her to fall into step beside him.

"How'd it go in there?" Lisa asks, motioning to his therapist's office as they pass.

"The usual." Is Yugyeom's hopeless reply as he hands her his new prescriptions.

"I'm sorry" The dark haired girl says quietly with a frown as she reads the lengthy list.

"Don't be." Yugyeom tells her with a small smile before murmuring sadly, "I'm used to it."

"But you shouldn't be." Lisa states firmly, "No one should be used to not being heard, Yugyeom."

And Yugyeom doesn't like the pitiful look she gives him or the serious turn their conversation is taking, so he decides to change the subject.

"How was anger management?" He asks instead.

"Good, surprisingly. I think I'm making progress." The Vietnamese girl says with a small smile before her phone begins to ring loudly in her pocket. Yugyeom watches as she pulls it out, rolls her eyes at the name on the called ID, and then answers it, declaring loud enough for the entire office to stare at them, "You have five second to explain why you keep calling me or I'm gonna pop every last one of your ugly ass acrylic nails off and shove them so far up your ass you'll be shitting french rips for the rest of your life-"

Yugyeom snickers at the bewildered stares Lisa garners when she begins an argument with the person on the other line. He uses the time the Vietnamese girl spends on the phone to get his prescription filled. Once he's finished he returns back to their spot to find Lisa standing with her arms crossed over her chest wearing an irritated expression.

"Let's get out of here." She says, looking up at him, "How about we go get some beer and donuts?"

"Okay" Is Yugyeom's simple response that makes her smile as she interlocks their hands and pulls him along.


"So, how are things with dumb and dumber?"

Yugyeom lets out a quiet laugh as he falls back onto the grass, the bright green tufts tickling his face lightly.

"They're still not talking." He informs his female companion as he helps himself to a donut from the box sitting between them. Lisa shakes her head at this.

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