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"You have impressed me, Sagah. You are the son of Bathenus. I like his battles."

"You like his battles because he is always in the front line."

"Indeed... It just so happened I'm on Faruz's side."

"Yeah, I know. Why do you have to stress that? Did you come just to piss me off?"

"Ah, you're becoming too aggressive. You know, Sagah, there might have been a short time for Chimela to live but you still have yours to keep. Faruz will help you see the reality that you are blind to."

"I don't need any help from him. I don't even want his existence."

"You are overwhelmed by your desolation."

Ariz taps his shoulder and whispers to his ear about something he's not aware of.

"You will be pitiless. Be wary. You might destroy the prophecy."

"There's no such thing as the foresight to me! Everything is a lie!"

"Why won't you try me, cursed demigod. You look so thirsty for revenge."

Sagah bursts out with anger because Ariz because of his undesirable behavior. Sagah combats the war god. Ariz likes his style of fighting. He's too slick; hard to figure. They even put a big hole on the sandy ground. But because Ariz is a god, he just sees the fight as plain entertainment until...

"What the ...?"

The raging demon – demigod scratches and wounds his forearm. He conceals his blood with his cloak from Sagah. He disappears in thin air and Sagah wonders why his rival is gone in the middle of the fight.

"Hey war boy, where are you?"

Meanwhile, in Chevflaun, Faruz calls a meeting with the Command Unit and selected demigods.

"What now, Faruz...?"

"Victus, I am not going to gamble the fate of Chevflaun with Sagah's wrath. I'm sure he'll be on Cairon's side for the next Khalsas battle. We can't afford to lose it."

"Well, do you think you can defeat the demon form of Sagah? He overflows with power."

"How will I know if I do not confront him?"

"I felt it in his presence. He was not in full state."

"I felt that too, Victus. Anger hastens his power."

"See, I'm not telling that you can't defeat him. He doesn't even know the breadth of his strength."

"We will have to spell him."

"But Sagah is not mean. He is just confused about what's going on externally and internally."

"Honmin, he is not the same Sagah we've known all our lives."

"I have been with his combats. He is way too different; nearly opposite compared today."

Odis speaks with worry for his best friend. He looks at his photo with her in his pocket watch.

"What did he do to Chimela? We don't even know if she really survived."

"Whether my sister is still alive or not, what I am sure of is that Sagah will come for Azalel."

"By the way, he gazed at his son, he would most likely take him."

"He will definitely get rid of Faruz. He believes you are his worst rival."

"I know that. I am always ready for him. However, it is not yet the right time."

Waldo Bade tries to encourage everyone. He toughly believes in the power of Faruz.

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now