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Faruz returns to his abode where Victus awaits him. Victus is very stern that he crosses his arms right before his bandaged chest. With just a look in the eyes, Faruz identifies his concern. Faruz looks at the ceiling and confesses the truth to Victus.

"Yes, I did let him escape. Do you have any other interrogations?"

"I'm not thoughtless like the others. Why did you do it?"

"That's what I thought to do that moment. If I let Sagah stay in Chevflaun, we'll be in great peril. Did you see how he pulverized the dungeon's cell? He only used his pointing finger. What if he turns out the vilest? It is total mayhem. Can you afford to kill him knowing he's Chimela's...?"

"What about 'mela? Is she the reason? "

Victus senses that the rivalry between Faruz and Sagah blazes once more.

"I can't expound everything right now, Victus. Give me a break. I, too, am confused."

"Faruz, I kept on prompting you for years but you did not listen very well to me."

"You should understand me more than anyone else."

"I desired you for 'mela and I supported you at all costs. But you pushed her away because you were afraid."

Victus walks out calmly. Hence, he looks frustrated. Faruz stands with his arms crossed and recalls his experiences. In an hour, Chimela, Odis, and Ambrogia arrive seeing Faruz who loses his temper. They have no other option but to stay discreet.

"Where have you been, Chimela?"

"Uh... 'Mela... Faruz, we'll go now. Ambrogia and I are needed at the hospital."

Odis and Ambrogia go out because they are afraid of Faruz.

"Tell me the truth, please. I've been looking for you."

"I went to see..."

"...see whom? ...Sagah?"

Faruz's eyes constrict because of anger when 'mela nods her head for affirmation.

"Didn't you realize how dangerous it is if he ran out of control? You're putting your life in jeopardy! Think about the child in your womb."

She did not say anything but sobs. Faruz suddenly feels bad about himself.

"I'm so sorry. I won't do it again. I'm just concerned about you. Pardon me if my voice was loud. Odis and Ambrogia were frightened as well."

"Faruz, I sought to know if he's okay."

"Please think about your condition. Think about the baby."

In the entire year, the Battles of Khalsas are never missed. The fury between Cairon and Chevflaun never concludes. But afar from this, Faruz, in no way, forgets his last encounter with Sagah. He never stops trying to earn Chimela's love. In her days with him, she realizes that Faruz and Sagah have physical resemblances; predominantly the body–built, the eyes, and the voice. They have the same age. Both are witty and skilled. Both are well-loved by the people. Both contest for her love.

"I baked this for you. I think it's not that bad. At least it's edible."

"Faruz, you're baking...?"

"No. I asked for Odis' help. It looks awful, right?"

"The pie...? I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Faruz."

"I'm not a novice because this is the first and last pie I'd bake."

'mela takes a small fork and tastes the pie. She is amazed by the quality.

Demons and Demigods: SANCTIONS OF LOVE (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now