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Guys I've been obsessed with this band for a little while now. It's killed Okean Elzy. It's a Ukrainian rock band. Even though you might not understand the words, they do have very catchy music. (I understand Ukrainian though so I understand the words) this song is called Sun, and it's very cool.

Lexington's POV
I was going back to the library, this time with Melville because she wanted to read some books too, the one on species in particular.
We entered through the heavily guarded door, closing it behind us. I lead her over to where I hid the book, taking it out and placing it in front of her.
Her eyes widened.

"Damn. That's huge." She whistled.

"Yeah. Pretty heavy too." I told her, opening up to the page where the Owl Shifter was.

"Holy shit, this looks just like me." Melville suddenly said.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." I told her, scratching the back of my neck. "There's three pages of information. I didn't get to read all of it though. I think it has stuff like your abilities and how you can awaken them. You'll have to read for yourself." I told her. She nodded and the next second she was already engrossed in the book.

I, in the other hand, went searching for more books. Maybe I'll find one on owl shifters again, who knows.

I looked over at Melville and saw her writing a couple of notes down on a piece of paper. I'll need to tell her to leave the notes here, so nobody gets to them.
I smiled at the sight of my mate working hard, and proceeded to walk further down the rows of books.

A sudden yelp in pain made me run back to the center of the library. There was Melville, scrunched up in pain. She looked mid-shift, with feathers coming out and her mouth slowly changing form. Half shift.
Half shifts were extremely painful if forced. But it is an extremely rare and almost unheard of occurrence for a shifter to forcefully and unprovoked to go into mid-shift.

I grabbed Melville and ran outside with her. By the time I was outsides, her face has completely morphed into a beak, something that wasn't shown on the picture in the book. Strange.

She fell to the ground, curled up as her hands continued to be covered up in feathers.
After what seemed like hours, she finally stood up to her full height, her eyes were big and golden like her owl's. Her shoulder blades were elongated and covered in feathers, wings basically. The tips of her fingers longer and sharper.
Her shoes were ripped to shreds in the floor. Her feet were now huge talons.

"What he fuck? This doesn't happen!" I exclaimed, my fingers burning themselves in my hair.
"We've gotta go back and find out what the fuck just happened." I said frantically and grabbed Melville, running to the library with her. I made sure to take a route so that nobody would see us. It's dangerous.

We made it back to the library and I immediately sat Melville who was in the verge of tears down, as I began to frantically search the library for anything.

After about two hours of searching and about a hundred thoroughly searched bookshelves later, a book felt on my head. Which I gotta admit, hurt like shit.
The book had no title, no author, no words. Just a huge owl engraved on it.

I opened to book, only to see the pages completely blank. I was about to cry right there and then, but I decided to give one thing a shot.

"Melville, can you see if anything is written here?" I asked her, handing her the book.

She took the book, then looked at me weirdly.

"Of course there is. Weirdo." She said, opening up her beak a little bit. I gotta admit, it did look kinda creepy. But hot at the same time because she looked like some Egyptian goddess right now. And her voice was a bit and raspier. More dominant.

"Can you see if there is anything about...well...this." I said, motioning at her. She nodded and carefully started turning the pages, not to poke them with her now sharp fingertips.

As she turned the pages in the book only she could read, I put the books that were thrown on her floor in frustration, back where they belonged. It wasn't long until Melville called me.

"Look, it says that, and it's terrifying, that a purebred owl shifter, who comes from a bloodline of no hybrids, will be recruited a ring to control their owl. They will experience and excruciating, forced half shift, after which they have only a two week period to find the ancient ring meant for them, before their own spirit takes over their body completely, and there will be no turning back into human anymore." She finished saying.

"Two weeks?! Two weeks! We've gotta start looking. And start looking now." I said. Melville nodded and we exited the library, book in Melville's hand.

Guys I graduated :)
Also the last day of school was tomorrow and my chorus teacher signed my yearbook but I don't understand what he wrote because his handwriting is very rushed.

And I got my diploma, which had my name spelled correctly and not how the school spells it because if horrible translation :))) (the certificate of merit is how the school spells it)

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And I got my diploma, which had my name spelled correctly and not how the school spells it because if horrible translation :))) (the certificate of merit is how the school spells it)

And I got my diploma, which had my name spelled correctly and not how the school spells it because if horrible translation :))) (the certificate of merit is how the school spells it)

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Can somebody help me understand what that says? ⬇️⬇️⬇️↗️

Can somebody help me understand what that says? ⬇️⬇️⬇️↗️

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