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We made it to a huge pet store about half an hour out of the territory.
We walk in, Melville on my shoulder once again. I had to bend my knees while walking in because I am six foot five, and Melville is a two put foot long owl, so that would make her right plus feet up there. Most door frames are only about six foot ten.

"Hello, how can I help yo- Wow. That is a beauty you got there." The woman who was working there said.
I reached my hand out, motioning for her to come down and lend on my arm, which she did. She was careful not to let her claws through my leather jacket.

"I need a few necessities for the beautiful girl over here." I said, once again petting her neck and chest with my finger.

"I'll show you to where people usually buy all the things for big birds." She said nicely and motioned for me to follow her. "We have gloves and shoulder pads so they down scratch you with their talons. But she does seem very gentle with you. We also have wooden bird stands and bird food. Even toys." She added. "What's her name if you don't mind me asking."

"Her name is Melville." I smiled when I said her name.

The first thing we god were a black glove and a black shoulder pad just in case.

"Go look at the stands. Tell me which one you like the most." I said and she flew off, landing on different ones and flying from one to another.
I went to look for a few snacks when she landed back on my shoulder, hitting me on the head with her wing.

"Already chose? That was fast." I commented and told her to lead the way.

She landed on a rather big, pure wood structure, looking content.


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"Alright. We'll get it." I said with a smile.

"I got you a few snacks. Seeing as your tastebuds are both bird and human." I said, waving a little bag of bird treats in front of her. Her eyes went wide once she caught the smell of it.

"They smell good. I want some now!" She whined.

"Patience Melville. I'll buy them and then I'll give you some. Patience."

"Are you all done here sir?" The same lady from before asked, coming into the room.

"Yeah. We'll also take this stand right here. I don't want her always perched up on the door, bed frame or the dresser."  I said. "And she seems to like it too so..."

"Oh. This is one of the finest ones we have. She made a good pick. She's a very good bird, one of the most well behaved ones I've ever seen in this store. I'll bring you a cart that you can put this one and wheel it to your car sir, just one moment." She said and rushed out.

$467.56 and forty minutes later, we finally made it back to the pack house.

"Alex!" I called out to my Beta, who showed up not even a minute later.

"Wassup Lex?" He asked, leaning against my car.

"Help me being this up to my room." I said, taking the five foot tall structure out of my trunk.

"Holy shit man. Alright we'll have to use the elevator for this." He said, picking up the other side.

Not that the thing was heavy or anything, it was just very big and uncomfortable for one person to carry.

After a fifteen minute struggle, we finally placed in in the corner of my room, Melville flying to it, and perching up on the top branch, looking content.

"Damn. She's a one pretty owl. What her name by the way did you get it?" He asked me, looking at Melville.

"Yeah. Her name is Melville." I smiled.

Melville's POV

Lexington has been nothing but nice. I mean like this wooden structure, inside his room, it's fucking dope. I love it. He has been a perfect mate, and I am really grateful he didn't reject me when he saw that his mate wasn't a human or a werewolf, but an owl.

"Hey Mel. We're all having dinner downstairs. Want to join? There's all kinds of meat there." He said and at the word meat my eyes popped open. Hell yeah I want some meat.

I nodded my head, and Lexington put on the shoulder pad that we got today, tapping if, signaling for me that it was safe to get on. Now I can finally use my full strength and hold on more securely.

We made it downstairs and all of the talking stopped.

"Man I think you've officially gone insane? Or did you have a secret interest in birds we never knew about?" A man around our age said. From the power that was coming off of him I distinguished him as the third in command.

"For that disrespect Michael, I should punish you, but knowing that you are all confused about the Owl perched up on my shoulder, I shall give you the answer." He said. "But not now. In two weeks time." This is when Lexington and I agreed to have the Luna ceremony.
"For now I want to questions, and for her to be treated fairly. You may resume." He said.
Lexington carried me on his arm and went to the kitchen and grabbed a wide bowl, putting some lamb, pork, chicken and beef into the bowl. He cut it into small pieces first so I wouldn't have to rip the meat apart. Setting the plate set the bowl beside him, I sat on the back of an empty chair, eating my meat happily, loving he taste of cooked meat.

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