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For the next few days after the ceremony I spent most of my days in owl form. It gave me an advantage too because I can sit somewhere high and watch over the activity in the pack.

I saw Lexington storm out of the pack house with a few warriors behind him.
I flew off of the branch and shifted midair, landing on the round beside him. And no I wasn't naked because I got some morphing clothes so they don't rip.

"What's wrong?" I asked Lexington, jogging beside him since his step was very wide and he was walking fast.

"Rogues on the south border. We don't know how many but we know that two guards are down." He said, anger in his voice.
I nodded and ran ahead, jumping and again shifting midair. I flew towards where Lexington said the rogues were. I got there in about five minutes and saw around ten rogues circling around. Five in wolf form, five in human. Four guards were tied to trees. Two were either passed out or dead, the rest were conscious. All of them were beat up and bloodied. The rogues in human form were throwing knives at them. They were dipping them into a little jar with purple liquid before throwing them. Silver knives dipped in wolves bane. The worst thing that can happen to a werewolf.
A knife grazed a guard's shoulder making him yell out in pain.

"You're gonna want to grab more guards. There are ten of them. They also have silver knives and wolves bane. I would also call the pack doctor here as well. They are pretty beaten up." I told Lexington though our mind link.

"What the hell are you doing there Melville? Get away from them!" He nearly shouted through the link.

"Chill, I'm on like the tallest tree. Highest branch and an owl." I reminded him, rolling my eyes.
I got a sign in reply and a message not to interfere.

A few seconds later I heard the thundering of paws and Lexington and twenty warriors ran out. All in wolf form. Lexington lead them, jumping on the leader. The others followed.

I took the time to fly down and tear the ropes with my talons and beak, freeing the guards.

At the end, two of the rogues got away, the rest were now being dragged to prison for questioning.

"Listen." Lexington told me once we were back in our room and dressed. "What you did was very brave. And something a real Luna would do." He said. "But goddamit next time don't do it without telling me that you are doing it. I was so worried for you." Lexington hugged me. I hugged his waist. I couldn't exactly reach his shoulders. Not without standing on my tiptoes.

"I love you Melville." He said, holding me tighter. Those words made me feel like I was on a roller coaster and we were going down on a nearly 90 degree angle. The good kind of feeling.

"I love you too Lexington." I smiled, looking up at him. We just looked at each other for s few minutes. Not even blinking.

"You know what?" I said, my grin getting wider.

"What?" He asked, raisin an eyebrow. His eyes twinkling with love and happiness.

"I want you to mark me Lexington." I said and it was as if his eyes were set on fire. The good kind of fire though.

"Fuck. I've been waiting so long." He said hoisting me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He looked me in the eyes for a second before kissing me. I kissed him back. With just as much passion as he was kissing me.

"I fucking love you." He mumbled and I was just about to say it back again but he stuck his tongue into my mouth, and I responded with a moan instead. Eh good enough.

I felt him sitting down what I am guessing is his bed, and then lowering the both of us until the soft mattress was under my back.

Lexington trailed his kissed to my cheek, jaw, and then down my neck. Nibbling and sucking occasionally on certain spots. Looking for the right one.
He reached the spot on my neck. It was close to the back of my neck. Almost where the neck and the back of the shoulder met.

"That's unusual." Lexington chuckled. "It's usually more towards the front. Weirdo." He joked and nibbled on the spot. I held back the moan that was threatening to make an appearance.

"Let it out Mel." Lexington teased and I let the moan slip passed my lips. That was replaced by a hiss of pain when he plunged his canines into the soft flesh. Holding them there for a few second, he pulled them out.

"Your turn." He gave me a dashing smile, showing his perfect teeth. I smiled back and turned us over. Straddling him.

I kissed his lips, moving to his sharp jaw and his neck. I kissed his Adam's apple, sucking on it.

"Shit." He cursed, making me giggle and move in to the right side of his neck. Almost right under his jaw, was the spot. I nibbled on it, before growing out my beak. Yes beak, that's how owl shifters mark each other. I lightly punctured his skin, holding the tips of my beak there for a little while and pulling them out.

"Well hat was... different." Lexington said, hesitating to look for the right word.

"Yeah getting marked not by canines but by s beak. Interesting." I joked, looking into his loving eyes. Our bond now, two times stronger than before.

The Owl MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz