Chapter 33

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Eira's POV

I stared at her with pity.

Here she was, in disbelief that Neal could even do such a thing. Neal was silent, that bastard. Suddenly, he broke down.

"Sanya, I love you." He whispered, walking closer to her.

She took a step back.

"I don't believe you." She sniffled. "What kind of a person does this?"

"I didn't have a choice, Sanya. My parents wanted this merge, I didn't know what to do other than have Eira marry me." He started. "This merge would be the biggest thing that would happen to our company. Uday understood that." He nodded at him.

Uday looked at him. "Mate, we could've done it another way, this merge, you know?"

He turned to me next.

"I'm sorry, Eira." Uday said. "I was too caught up in the merge. I really don't want you to have what Mallika and I had." He looked down. "You've to deal with papa and mama, though."

Speak of the parents.

"Aare, chalo!" Ma barged in and then stopped, looking at us. We must have been a comical sight, with Neal kneeling before Sanya, Hardik and I standing to one side, holding each other and Virat and Gia sitting on the sofa, watching the whole thing.

"What's happening here?" She asked. "Arjun, come up here!"

Papa came through the door and looked at us.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked, as Neal got up from the floor.

"Uncle, I'm sorry. The engagement can't proceed on." Neal said and looked at me. "I'm so sorry for everything I've done, I just hope you can forgive me."

"Yea, okay." I said, weakly. Sanya then pushed through ma and papa, murmuring a quick I can't handle this.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to stop Sanya from leaving." Neal said, leaving the room.

Virat then helped Gia get up from the sofa and the two made their way to the door, albeit slowly.

"Aunty, Uncle." Virat said, with Gia nodding.

"Take care, beta." Ma said.

"Thank you, aunty." Gia said and they also made their way downstairs.

"Did Neal say what I think he said?" Papa opened his mouth.

"Yes." Uday said, sitting down on the sofa. "It's a long story."

"Right," He nodded. "Why is he here then?"

"I want to marry him." I spoke out, which made my mother look dumbfounded.

"Look, Eira. We've tolerated enough, as it is you don't have a proper job, now you want to marry someone we don't know, on top of that you're telling this at your engagement with Neal?!" Ma said, almost in hysterics.

"Modelling is as much of a job as a Doctor or an Engineer!" I huffed back.

"Look, Eira. You're useless." Papa started.

"Sir, that's -" Hardik began to speak.

"This is a family matter, please stay out of this." Papa said, glaring at him. "Like I said, you don't have a proper job and now you're telling me that you can't even marry a person who would open up new ventures for the company?!" His voice grew in volume, making me shrink back.

"You had one job!" He spit at me, making me cower back. A few tears escaped my eyes.

"Look, I admit she was wrong but this is not necessary." Uday spoke up.

"You, shut up." He looked at Uday. "Does she feel any shame or not?!" He rounded up on my mom.

"And clearly it's my fault!" Ma spoke up. "Wow!"

"Exactly!" Papa said. "It's all because of your saying, you can do whatever you want. See, now she's doing whatever she wants! She has no concern for the family reputation. How many people we have to answer to, once they hear of the cancelled marriage." He huffed.

"You are going to marry him, I don't care." He turned on me.

"No." I uttered the first words of defiance against my father.

"No?" He questioned. "Fine, but just so you know, the moment you leave the hall with him, you are dead to the family." He said, making ma gasp.

"Haha." I started laughing. "Like we actually were a family in the first place! You were whoring around with Mallika and ma was oblivious to the entire thing!" I laughed.

"Go ahead, kick me out. I don't fucking care." I said and took Hardik's hand and pulled him out of the room. As I got out, many guests gathered around me, offering congratulations but I shouted out one thing that made the entire horde go away.


And honestly speaking?

It had never felt so good.

Not one of my best chapters, I'll admit. But I really didn't know how the duck do I end it.

So, yes that's the end! Yaaaaas!!

Obviously, there would be an epilogue, duh. We need to keep updated on the #Hira fam💛

[Yes because they're Hiras to me and this was a perfect ship name for them, omfg]

Anyways, before you stop reading, here's cover #2 of Kairos.


He's so smol and exquisite, my gaaaad😍

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