Chapter 22

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Eira's POV

"So, I look okay?" I asked Neal, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Bhai, you look stunning and hot and sexy and now can we leave please?" He begged.

"Ohho, I'm so going to tell Sanya!" I laughed.

"I'm so scared, huh." He said, bored. "Let's go, it's already 8:30!"

"Okay, let's go."

"Nice party, Ananya!" I shouted to her with a thums up sign so that she got what I had to say.

"Thanks!" She shouted back, dancing around with one of her friends. "Could you find Hardik for me please? He doesn't really like parties like this, which is crazy!" She laughed. I knew that Hardik didn't like parties, even though he looked like a person who would.


It was nighttime and Hardik had pulled me to his rooftop, where he had put a blanket underneath. "Come on, don't be an idiot, we're just gonna do some stargazing." He said, pulling me.

I laughed. "You idiot, we can't see any stars in Mumbai, it's so polluted!"

He pouted. How I wished I could kiss the pout away.

"Aare, we'll just lie down then." He said, lying on the blanket and then grimacing.

"It's hard!" He said, sitting up.

"Idiot, what did you think, it'll be soft?" I laughed and sat next to him. Suddenly, he pulled me onto his lap.

"What are you doing, it'll hurt you even more!" I had shouted at him.

"Aare, I can get hurt, I don't want you to." He had smiled. This is where I knew, this boy had taken my heart and kept it with him. I had fallen and fallen hard. As I looked at him, he looked at the ground and called it pretty.

Little did he know, his face was the prettiest picture of them all.

I shook my head and looked at her.

"I will, you relax!" I shouted and then turned around to look for him. This was my chance. Neal was dancing with one of his buddies that he happened to see here, so it was all good.

As I found the more quiet place of the party, my mind was roaming. What should I say to him, should I apologise? Maybe I should, I mean I wanted a friendship with him.

I won't lie, I wanted to be so so much more.

I found him in one of the rooms, him leaning towards his hands while sitting down.

"Hey." I whispered which made him look at me in surprise.

"Why are you here?" He asked back. Ouch, that hurt.

"Ananya invited me. Speaking of Ananya, you didn't tell her." I said, walking closer.

"No, what could I tell? Hey Ananya, I accidently kissed my best friend, please forgive me?" He huffed.

"I'm sorry." I said, sitting next to him.

"No," he said, sighing. "I kissed you first. I'm sorry."

"Well, apology accepted?" I asked, looking at him with a smile. Slowly, I started tracing a pattern on his hands. To my credit, he didn't remove his hand.

Slowly, I moved closer to him, leaning my head.

He looked at me for a moment and then closed his eyes. Taking it as a permission, I leaned closer.

That's when the door slammed open.

"Eira, Hardik!?" Ananya's voice was heard from the doorway.

We moved apart like fire and Hardik got up and went towards Ananya, trying to console her. I didn't bother getting up from the bed. I knew it was selfish coming here and seeing this without defending myself but the only thing roaming through my mind was please, break up with him.

I could be a better girlfriend than you ever would. Please, Ananya.

At the door, Ananya was in tears. She kept looking at Hardik and back at me. I knew she would ask me whether I had meant to kiss him or not. Or well, tried to. Ananya, your timing is horrible.

"Why isn't she saying anything?" Ananya pointed at me, speaking to Hardik.

"Because I have nothing to say, Ananya." I stood up from the bed and looked at her. "I wanted to kiss Hardik. This was intentional, because I love him. Do you love him?"

Well, that made her shut up real quick.

"I love him!" Ananya said, furious. "You should be asking whether he loves you or not. Forget love, he doesn't even like you! Neither do I, for the matter."

"What does she mean?" I looked at Hardik who looked away. Seeing this, Ananya smiled through her tears.  

"I'll tell you. He doesn't like you, at all. He detests being your friend, he hates you with every fiber of his being. He's told me how much he could tell you what he thinks about you, that you're a good for nothing slut!" She finished, looking triumphant. I looked at him, begging him with my eyes to give me something not to believe this wench.

He gave me his answer by looking away.

I felt I couldn't breathe. I was drowning in a closed box and there was no way out. So all this time, he had just pretended to like me? This was worse then him just rejecting my love, this was a billion times worse.

Never in my wildest dreams had I ever dreamt that this would happen.


I pushed Ananya from the door and stormed outside the room, tears blocking my view. I somehow managed to get out of the house and I just ran. Ran until I couldn't breathe, I couldn't believe. I had believed him to be my friend and him?

Fucking stabbed me right in the back.

I reached the end of my limit near a park which was abandoned. I sat on the swings and started swinging slowly, all the while trying to control my tears and my emotions. He actually made me cry more than I had in my life.

Everything was fake and I didn't know who to believe.

As I started thinking that, the heavens started pouring rain. Ha, it seemed that even the heavens understood my pity and were helping me now. I felt hopeless and alone.

Maybe I was meant to be alone after all.

Don't worry, I'm shOOK too.
I did not expect the story to turn out the way it did.
Ah, who tf am I kidding, I planned this.

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