Chapter 32

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Day of the Engagement

Eira's POV

"Oh my God, Oh my God." I began roaming in my room as Gia just looked at me.

"Stop pacing around, I'm getting dizzy." She laughed while cluching her belly. She was almost seven months pregnant and she was oh so ready to pop. But she had come over to support me.

Virat was going to be so pissed off with me, I swear to God.

Just then, Hardik and Virat came into the room, both of them holding drinks. Hardik had brought me a coke and vodka, while it was just plain lemonade for Gia.

"One thing I miss, getting screwdrivers." Gia giggled and accepted the cup. "Thanks, Vee."

"Anything for you, jaan." Virat replied back, looking at her. "You're comfortable, na?"

"Yes, I am." She nodded. "It's okay, sit next to me."

As he sat down, Gia used his shoulders as a headrest. Virat looked down at her and lightly kissed her on the scalp. Wow, they were so cute and adorable, I wanted a love life just like them.

"It's going to be fine." Hardik squeezed my hand and looked at me, once I had taken my eyes off of the couple. "We're going to stop this." I nodded back.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Virat asked but was interrupted by Shreya barging in.

"Chalo, everyone's waiting for you." She paused and looked at the occupants in the room.

"Oh bloody hell, how do you know Virat and Gia Kohli, along with Hardik Pandya?" She gawked at them, making me shoo her away.

"I'll come down, you go." She looked at us and then turned away, heading down.

We looked at each other and then after a few moments, there was another knock at the door.

"What's happening, Eira? Everyone's waiting downstairs." Uday barged in and saw the people inside.

"Hi, guys. Let's go down?" He pointed towards the door but didn't turn around when none of us made the effort to move.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Uday, I don't want this engagement to happen." I said, nervously gulping down.

Ananya's POV

"Where's your boyfriend?" Neal came and asked me. We were at his engagement, where on our arrival he had disappeared completely, leaving me all alone.

"I don't know." I said and drank some sprite.

"We had a deal." He fumed. "You keep Hardik away from Eira."

"I tried, okay?" I hissed back, tired of his bullshit. "It's isn't my fault that he loves Eira and frankly, you should let them be." I huffed and drank a sip.

"This is a do or die deal for me, do you get that?" He asked me, pulling my wrist towards him. "Find him."

"Fine." I pulled my wrist out of his grip and left my drink on the table. I honestly don't want to do this.

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