Chapter 9

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Eira's POV

"Eira, there's fifteen minutes till the guests come, why don't you change into something good, like a nice salwar kameez?" My mom ambushed me as soon as I walked in.

"Sure, no problem. Is papa going to be here?" I asked, keeping my shoes in the rack.

"No, it's just going to be Uday and me. Mallika may join in, but she's got another late meeting from the Tokyo investers. You go get ready." She said, shooing me away.

"Why are papa and Mallika so job-oriented, pfft." I muttered as I went up to my room.

Ten minutes later, I was ready. I couldn't really give two fucks about how I looked, so I went with the simplest one I owned. I just put kajal on my eyes and combed my hair. I mean, the guy was coming to see me, he can see me au naturale anyways.

I walked down and saw my mother give me a look. Probably cursing me in her head, why couldn't I have dressed up better, haha. But before she could do anything, the bell rang.

"Eira, in the kitchen, now." My mom whisper yelled at me and I walked slowly towards the kitchen, hoping to see the guy's face before I left the living room completely.

"Hello, Eira!" Uday whispered in my ear as I stood in front of the kitchen door.

"Holy fuck, Uday!" I screamed and turned around and started wacking him after every word I spoke. "Do *hit* you *hit* find *hit* joy *hit* in *hit* scaring me all the time? *hit hit hit*"

"Bas, baasss!" Uday screamed and moved away from me, dodging my hits. "I'm sorry, I thought it would be funny to scare you, I'm going to meet my future brother-in-law, anyway!"

"Ohho?" I stopped hitting him. "What makes you think he's going to be my husband?"

"Simple," Uday shrugged. "Ma actually likes him a lot."

Oh shit. Oh fuck, no. When I had said no to guys for marriage, ma had actually agreed with me after a point in time, saying some habit that annoyed her. Oh God, if she actually liked the guy, she wouldn't hesitate on making me hell bent on liking the guy too!

But I like Hardik!

What will ma say about me liking a guy who's head over heels for another girl who's getting married anyway?

She'll get me married too.

Oh fuck.

"Wait, I'll call Eira." I heard my mom from the living room.

"Come now and be polite, okay?" My mom said, pulling me along with her.

As we went towards the sofa, I could see his parents smiling at me. His head was opposing me, so I couldn't see his face until I had sat down on the other side of the place.

As I saw him, I looked at him with surprise.


"Hey, Eira, right?" He said, getting up and shaking my hand.

"Aare, you know each other, you can give her a hug, we're very modern parents beta!" His mom said, smiling at me. Wow, they are clearly trying too hard. From the corner of my eye, I saw Neal cringe.

"Hi, please don't tell anything about my girlfriend, I'll explain later." He whispered in my ear when we hugged.

"You better." I muttered, wondering how did I get stuck in this rut.

After the inquisition from everyone which consisted of the generic how do you know each other, what do you do, why modelling, do you know how to cook, which was answered by my very lovely brother by saying that I loved to eat more than cook, it went fine. I mean as fine as it could be when your mother is continuously hinting about how 'great' this guy is.

"Okay, what's your deal?" I had finally cracked when we had been sent up here to talk more.

"My parents don't know that I have a girlfriend." He said, sitting on my bed. "You have a nice room." He said, looking around. "I always thought girls like pink!"

"Thanks, but don't change the topic. I thought tere parents bohot 'modern' hai?" I said, putting quotes on modern.

"First of all, they aren't that modern. Secondly, she's not as rich as they would like my future wife to be." He said, looking up at me.

"Ah, money." I said and sat next to him. "If it's any consolation, you're a pretty nice guy."

"Thanks, Eira. We're going to be good friends." He said.

"Wow, after meeting Hardik, I have another friend!" I said and looked up at him. "Nice!"

"What do you mean, I'm like your second friend?" He looked at me, surprised. "And Hardik.. you don't mean Indian cricketer, Hardik Pandya right?"

"Yea, I wasn't as open as I am now. I was quite misbehaved, you could say. I kinda hung out with the wrong crowd in school." I hung my head down and looked at my hands.

"Hey, chill. I'll be your friend and you can meet Sanya too." He got excited and then looked sheepish. "Sanya's my girlfriend."

"Hai, you're so cute!" I laughed and pulled his cheeks.

"Thanks, bro."

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