Chapter 7

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Eira's POV

"So, what's the important announcement that you've gathered all of us here for?" I asked as I spoke in Uday's ear, effectively scaring him from his conversation.

"Excuse me, this is my younger sister, Eira. Eira, this is Mr. Summers, one of the partners for the Sommerset Project." He introduced us, while glaring at me from the corner of his eye. Damn, I love seeing his angry face. It's like I was born for this.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Summers. Do you mind if I stole Uday for a bit?" I smiled, making the older man laugh.

"No, no! Not at all, please!" He laughed and turned to the person next to him.

"So, what's up?" I asked, as he pulled us in a corner.

"First of all, didn't you notice I was talking to someone? Secondly, didn't ma teach you manners?" He asked, exasperated.

"Aare, you know I'm not the prim and proper child, that's you!" I said, snickering. "Tell me!"

"No, you'll get to know in a few minutes, just like everyone else!" He said. "Why don't you talk with Mallika?"

"Ugh, why are you torturing me? Don't tell me, I don't want to know!" I said, walking to the bar. Just as I did, someone stopped me. Someone, being mom.

"Eira, meet John Travis." She said, pulling me to where she stood, with dad. God, this must be serious if dad was here. Time to put your best foot forward, Eira.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I smiled, looking at John. Woah, he was... not that bad looking!

"Hey, beautiful! I've heard a lot about you." He said, kissing my hand. Okay, ew. I take back what I said, he's horrible from the get go.

"Hehe." I said, taking my hand back and discreetly wiping the back of my hand on my dress. The slobber, ew.

"Why don't you guys dance? Eira, go!" My mom smiled while giving the death stare to me. I don't know how my mom managed to mimic two opposing emotions at once. Damn, the talent!

"So, what do you do?" He asked, as he twirled me around. God, what is that smell?

"I model, you know? Could you probably.. I don't know loosen your grip?" I muttered, looking around. God, save me!

"Oh really! I work for my father, he's the financial marketing officer, you know! Say, do you like the cologne I have, it's from France, I travel a lot." He smiled, while completely disregarding the fact that I had asked to loosen up. Dammit!

"May I cut in?" Oh God, someone finally saved me!

"Yes, of course!" Finally!

"Hardik?" I asked, as I finally looked up. "What are you doing here? Were you invited?"

"Yep!" He said, popping the 'p'. "Your mom gave the invitation. Said something about being a good influence."

"Haha, very funny." I laughed. It was nice dancing with him, him in his brand new tux, at least I hope it was. It felt like we were the only two people in the room, until the mic was tapped by someone, completely pulling me out of my daydream.

"Um, hello? Yes, I'd like to make an announcement." Uday was on the stage, with Mallika by his side, holding his hand and looking up at him, adoringly. Sometimes I wonder why I actually hate her, but then I get my answer.

She's a conniving female who will do whatever she wants to get her way.

"Stop thinking that you want to murder her, I don't have doubts that you'd actually do it and get away with it." Hardik whispered in my ear, snickering as I swatted him.

"Well, this party was actually ment to be a congratulatory party because Rajput Industries have successfully signed a two billion dollar deal with Coviet Industry, marking the development of a new era in the making. But we're also happy to announce that we're actually going to be parents as well!" He said, making the room cheer up, the happy couple getting congratulated by almost everyone.

Wow, Uday was going to start a family. And here I was, unable to handle a relationship. The irony.

"Well done bhaiya!" I said, once I reached the two of them. Mallika as per usual ignored me and started talking to Hardik, I feel the love, I really do.

"Thanks, Eira. You're going to be an aunt!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Congrats, Mallika." I swallowed my pride and congratulated her, I mean, maybe I could accept her, she's the one who's giving my brother so much happiness.

"Thanks. So, when will you get married?" She asked, in a snooty voice. Nope, I can't.

"Oh, maybe in let's say, none of your business?" I said suggestively. "I mean, I wouldn't want to ruin my figure when I'm just starting out." I laughed, while she stared angrily at me.

"I mean, first you're going to have to find a husband. With that attitude, I don't think anyone would agree to marry you." She said, as she put one hand on her hip.

"Well, unlike you, I don't need a man to define me." I replied, watching her face turn red.

"Hardik, we should be going now." I said, looking at Hardik and making him look away from his conversation with Uday. "Alright, bro. Congrats and meet you at the football match?"

"Absolutely, man." Uday replied and they both bro hugged before Uday and me hugged.

"Bye, you guys." I said and pulled Hardik away from the room, going to the car park.

"My house?" Hardik asks, unlocking the car.

"Where else?"

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